Sep 27, 2024  
2016-2017 Catalogue 
2016-2017 Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course Numbering

The College of Wooster uses a five-digit course numbering system. The first three digits indicate the primary course number. The next two digits are the secondary course number and indicate whether there is a special focus for the course. For example:

The first letters are the department or program abbreviation. The next three digits are the primary course number (101 is the primary course number for all Introduction to Historial Study courses). The last two digits are the secondary course number. These two digits indicate that the special focus for this HIST 101 course is The History of Islam. A course with a given three-digit primary course number can only be taken once for credit unless specifically indicated otherwise by the department.

The following policy has been used in assigning primary course numbers:

  • 100-level courses are usually introductory courses; some 100-level courses do have prerequisites, and students are advised to consult the description for each course.
  • 200-level courses are usually beyond the introductory level, although many 200-level courses are open to first-year students and to majors and non-majors.
  • 300-level courses are seminars and courses primarily for majors but open to other students with the consent of the instructor.
  • The following numbers are for Independent Study: I.S. 40100 (Junior Independent Study), I.S. 45100 and I.S. 45200 (Senior Independent Study).

In addition to the regular course offerings, many departments offer individual tutorials under the number 40000 and internships under 41000. On occasion, departments will offer a course on a special topic as approved by the Educational Policy Committee, designated 19900, 29900, or 39900.


In keeping with the general education requirements of the College’s curriculum
(see Degree Requirements ), course listings employ the following abbreviations:

W Writing Intensive (W† indicates that not all sections are Writing Intensive)

C Studies in Cultural Difference

R Religious Perspectives

Q Quantitative Reasoning

AH Learning Across the Disciplines: Arts and Humanities

HSS Learning Across the Disciplines: History and Social Sciences

MNS Learning Across the Disciplines: Mathematical and Natural Sciences

Except where otherwise noted, all courses carry one course credit.



  • BIOL 10003 - Human Anatomy & Physiology

    Course Credit: 1
    (COMD, COMM)
    This course is a requirement for the Music Therapy major at Wooster and is an integral part of the students’ educational experience. In addition to the Music Therapy students this course is designed to serve students majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders who want to pursue further a understanding of the human body, students minoring in Physical Education, and students from multiple disciplines interested in learning about the human body and general health. Annually. [MNS]
  • BIOL 10009 - The Biology of Nutrition

    Course Credit: 1
    The Biology of Nutrition deals with the way biological sciences address issues involving food. We will explore questions about basic food chemistry, how/why the body digests and uses food, the challenge of feeding a growing human population, and how science works to answer these questions. By the end of the course, students will be able to critically evaluate the plethora of nutritional information available in the media so as to make informed decisions on their own food choices. Alternate Years. [MNS]
  • BIOL 11100 - Foundations of Biology

    Course Credit: 1
    This introductory course focuses on concepts considered central to understanding biology, including the nature of science, inheritance, gene expression, descent with modification and evolution by natural selection. This course is designed to provide potential biology majors with the fundamental concepts required for the study of biology. The course serves as a prerequisite for all biology courses numbered higher than 20000. Three class hours weekly. The course is also open to non-majors. Annually. [MNS]
  • BIOL 20100 - Gateway to Molecular and Cellular Biology

    Course Credit: 1.25
    (BCMB, NEUR)
    This course serves as an introduction to the major concepts in the fields of molecular and cellular biology. Topics include cellular structure, biochemistry, metabolism, biosynthesis, photosynthesis, cell division and growth, and molecular genetics. In laboratory, students will learn specific laboratory techniques and will gain experience interpreting and communicating experimental results. This course is a pre-requisite for many upper level biology courses and must be completed with a C- or better before enrolling in BIOL 40100 . Prerequisite(s): BIOL 11100 , Minimum grade C-; Previous or concurrent reqistration in CHEM 11200 .; BIOL-20100L; CHEM 11200  (and CHEM-11200L) Annually. [MNS, Q]
  • BIOL 20200 - Gateway to Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology

    Course Credit: 1.25
    (ENVS, NEUR)
    An introduction to the major concepts in the fields of ecology, evolution, behavior and physiology. These biological disciplines are approached from the population and individual levels of biological organization. Through lecture, laboratory, in-class exercises and readings, this course focuses on individual organisms, and on their behavior, interactions, evolution, and conservation. This course is a pre-requisite for many upper level biology courses and must be completed with a C- or better before enrolling in BIOL 40100 . Three class hours and one laboratory period weekly. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 11100 , minimum grade C-; BIOL-20200L Annually. [MNS, Q, W†]
  • BIOL 20300 - Research Skills For Life Scientists

    Course Credit: 1
    This course is an introduction to experimental design, data analysis and other important research skills in the life sciences. In addition to sound statistical and experimental practice, emphasis will also be placed on other important skills for life scientists such as how to find and read the literature and how to communicate scientific information effectively. Covered topics also include descriptive statistics, probability theory and many of the commonly used parametric and non-parametric statistical tests. A final group project will allow students to apply what they’ve learned by designing, carrying out, analyzing and interpreting data from an original research project of their design. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 11100 , minimum grade C- and either BIOL 20100  or BIOL 20200 , minimum grade of C-; or permission of instructor Annually.
  • BIOL 30500 - Cell Physiology

    Course Credit: 1.25
    (BCMB, NEUR)
    This course focuses on the cellular and molecular basis for complex physiological processes such as aging, disease pathologies, tissue formation and maintenance, and intracellular communication. Specific concepts covered include, signal transduction, membrane biology, cell division, maintaining cellular organization, and motility. The laboratory will include student-led investigations, using model organisms to explore complex cellular processes. Three hours of lectures and one laboratory/discussion section a week. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 11200 , minimum grade C-, and BIOL 20100 , minimum grade of C-; or permission of the instructor.; BIOL-30500L Annually.
  • BIOL 30600 - Genes and Genomes

    Course Credit: 1.25
    (BCMB, NEUR)
    Genetic analysis has been transformed by the ability to investigate not only single genes, but also complete genomes. This course examines the structure, function, and variation of genes and genomes and provides an introduction to the fundamental methodologies for the modern analysis of genes and genomes. Three classroom meetings and one laboratory/recitation period weekly. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 11200 , minimum grade C-, and BIOL 20100 , minimum grade C-; or permission of instructor; BIOL-30600L Annually.
  • BIOL 30700 - Development

    Course Credit: 1
    (BCMB, NEUR)
    Throughout this course we will investigate the current understanding of the genetic, molecular, and cell biological basis of multicellular organismal development. Emphasis is placed on critically analyzing historical and current experimental approaches from many different model systems with particular reference to the processes of cell differentiation, body plan formation, morphogenesis, and organogenesis. Three lectures weekly. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 11200 , minimum grade C-, and BIOL 20100 , minimum grade C-; or permission of instructor. Annually.
  • BIOL 31100 - Natural History of the Vertebrates

    Course Credit: 1.25
    This course covers the major lineages of extinct and extant vertebrates. Emphasis in lecture is on ecology, behavior, conservation and the evolutionary history of each clade. The laboratory component has two foci: field based experiences (accommodated through numerous field trips) and identification. Students will learn to identify many common vertebrates of Ohio by sight and sound. Three classroom meetings and one laboratory period weekly. One and one-fourth course credits. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 20200 , minimum grade C-; or permission of instructor; BIOL-31100L Annually.
  • BIOL 32300 - Natural History of the Invertebrates

    Course Credit: 1.25
    This course is about the worlds of invertebrates and how these animals interact with their natural environment, with a focus on a subset of these species found in Northeast Ohio. We will study invertebrates in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats and explore the mechanisms they use to overcome the challenges of survival and reproduction. We will learn about the value and process of natural history studies, including requisite skills such as observation, collection, identification, literature searches, posing and answering interesting questions, and communicating science effectively. Two meetings weekly (6 hours) that are combined classroom, lab, and field studies. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 20200 , minimum grade C-; or permission of instructor; BIOL-32300L
  • BIOL 33500 - Microbiology

    Course Credit: 1.25
    Study of the morphology, classification, physiology, biochemistry, and genetics of bacteria and viruses, and resistance to diseases caused by these organisms. The laboratory provides training in current technology using bacteria and viruses. Three classroom meetings and two laboratory periods. Recommended: Organic Chemistry. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 11200 , minimum grade C-, and BIOL 20100 , minimum grade C-; or permission of instructor.; BIOL-33500L Annually.
  • BIOL 34000 - Field Botany and Systematics

    Course Credit: 1.25
    Introduction to the principles of field botany and plant systematics. Topics covered include floral and vegetative morphology, plant family characteristics, the use of keys, and basic collecting techniques. We will discuss current methods of biological systematics, traits useful for making phylogenetic inferences, and the evolutionary history of vascular plant groups, especially angiosperms. Topics will include floral biology and pollination, hybridization and speciation, molecular phylogenetics, ethnobotany, and biogeography. Three classroom meetings and one laboratory weekly. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 20200 , minimum grade C-; or permission of instructor; BIOL-34000L
  • BIOL 34400 - Comparative Animal Physiology

    Course Credit: 1.25
    A detailed study of selected aspects of the physiological ecology of vertebrates and invertebrates, with emphasis on circulatory systems, respiratory systems, energetics, thermoregulation, salt and water balance, and chemical regulation. The laboratory component emphasizes techniques in organismal physiology and experimental design. Three classroom meetings and one lab meeting weekly. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 20100 , minimum grade C-, BIOL 20200 , minimum grade C-, and CHEM 11200 , minimum grade C-; or permission of instructor; BIOL-34400L Annually.
  • BIOL 35000 - Population and Community Ecology

    Course Credit: 1.25
    A study of ecological principles as they apply to populations, communities, and ecosystems. These principles inform us about patterns and processes of the natural world and can provide us with insights into many of the environmental issues facing us today and in the future. Topics include population growth, competition, predation, community structure, nutrient cycling, and species diversity. Laboratory exercises emphasize experimental design and techniques used to investigate ecological questions. Two classroom meetings and one laboratory weekly. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 20200 , minimum grade C-; or permission of instructor; BIOL-35000L Annually.
  • BIOL 35200 - Animal Behavior

    Course Credit: 1.25
    (ENVS, NEUR)
    Why do animals behave the way they do? In this course, we will study this question from a variety of angles including: development, mechanistic causes, functional significance, and evolution. We will draw examples from a wide taxonomic spectrum of animals. The laboratory-field period of the course will emphasize how to address animal behavior questions by involving students in studies in which they learn techniques and tools used for observation, experimental design, conducting experiments, and analyzing and presenting results. Two combined lecture-lab meetings weekly. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 20200 , minimum grade C-; or permission of instructor; BIOL-35200L Annually.
  • BIOL 35600 - Conservation Biology

    Course Credit: 1.25
    This course examines the theory, methods, and tools by which biologists attempt to understand and to protect biological habitats and their attendant natural populations of organisms. Topics included demographic and genetic conservation, invasive species, fragmentation and habitat loss, design of nature reserves, management for conservation, and sustainable development within a conservation context. We also examine economic, social, and political pressures that influence conservation decision-making. Laboratory exercises include computer simulations, field trips, and group projects. Normally two classroom meetings and one three-hour laboratory weekly Prerequisite(s): BIOL 20200 ; minimum grade C-; or permission of the instructor Annually.
  • BIOL 36000 - Evolution

    Course Credit: 1
    This course provides an in-depth introduction to evolutionary theory using both molecular and organismal approaches. Topics include: natural and sexual selection, population genetics, speciation, phylogenetics, and adaptation. The history of evolutionary thought and its place in human tradition will also receive emphasis. Three classroom meetings weekly. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 20100 , minimum grade C-, and BIOL 20200 , minimum grade C-; or BIOL 20200 , minimum grade C-, and GEOL 25000 ; minimum grade of C-; or permission of instructor. Annually.
  • BIOL 36600 - Immunology

    Course Credit: 1.25
    This course will investigate concepts in immunology from a physiological and molecular perspective. Topics to be covered include the lymphatic system and the lymphoid organs, immune cell development and function, antibody structure and function, specific and nonspecific response to infections, allergy, hypersensitivity and other immunological disorders, transplantation immunology, vaccination, and immunological applications in biotechnology. Laboratory exercises will focus on basic immunological techniques such as antibody-antigen interactions, antibody production, and cellular response to infection. Recommended: Organic Chemistry. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 11200 , minimum grade C-, and BIOL 20200 , minimum grade C-; or permission of instructor Annually.
  • BIOL 37700 - Behavioral Endocrinology

    Course Credit: 1.25
    A study of the interrelationships of the endocrine system and behavior of animals. Topics include reproduction, parental behavior, aggression, biological rhythms, mood, and stress. Special emphasis will be placed on endocrine and neuroendocrine mechanisms of behavior. Laboratory exercises include an introduction to endocrine techniques, experimental investigations of hormones and behavior, and comparative anatomy of the endocrine system. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory weekly. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 20100 , minimum grade C-, BIOL 20200 , minimum grade C-, and CHEM 11200 , minimum grade C-; or permission of instructor; BIOL-37700L Annually.
  • BIOL 38000 - Cellular Neuroscience

    Course Credit: 1.25
    (BCMB, NEUR)
    This course focuses on cellular and molecular aspects of nervous system function. Topics include functional implications and the physiological basis of neuronal impulse conduction and synaptic neurotransmission, nervous system development, neuronal plasticity, and the cellular and molecular basis of addiction. Three lecture periods and one laboratory period weekly. Recommended: 1 upper level Biology course or PSYC 32300  Prerequisite(s): BIOL 20100 , minimum grade C-, and CHEM 11200 , minimum grade C-; or permission of the instructor. Annually.
  • BIOL 39900 - Special Topics in Biology

    Course Credit: 1
    A seminar for advanced students in the life sciences to further explore topics in biology, such as Biological Rhythms, Plant-Animal Interactions, and Biogeography. Prerequisites: determined by the course instructor. (variable credit/partial credit offerings may not count towards the major) Offered as appropriate.
  • BIOL 39904 - Plant-Insect Interactions

    Course Credit: 1.25
    This course will focus on the evoluationa nd ecology of plant-insect interactions in basic and applied contexts. We will take a case study approach to exploring major themes in the area of plant-insect interactions, including pollination biology, plant-herbivore intereacions, plant carnivory, and agricultural pest management. Throughout the course, we will emphasize both content and skill knowledge through a combination of lectures, discussions, lab activities, and field trips. For both plants and insects, skills learned will include morphology, family characteristics, the use of keys and basic collecting techniques.
  • BIOL 39905 - Visual Ecology

    Course Credit: 1
    Animal eyes often differ in what information they gather. Some can detect worlds that are invisible to humans, while others can barely resolve an object a meter away. Visual Ecology is the study of how an animal’s visual system meets their ecological needs. In this class we will explore the diversity of animal eyes from an ecological and evolutionary perspective. Topics will include the evolution of eyes, visual signaling, light environments, matched filters, and polarization and color vision. Three lectures weekly.
  • BIOL 39906 - Computational Biology

    Course Credit: 1
    This course focuses on core concepts in mathematical and computational modeling of complex biological processes. Specific topics include modeling of molecular networks, cellwide processes such as metabolism, physiological processes, pattern formation and population dynamics. A key objective of the course is to showcase the power of, and need for theoretical and computational approaches in biological and biomedical research. The course will include student-led investigations of current primary literature, and the use of computational models to gain insight into the dynamics of complex biological processes at multiple scales. Computer programming skills are not a pre-requisite. Three hours of lecture a week. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 20100 , minimum grade C-, and 1 BIOL 30500 , BIOL 30600 , BIOL 30700 , BIOL 33500 , BIOL 36600 , BIOL 37700 , BIOL 38000 , or IDPT 20013 .
  • BIOL 40000 - Tutorial

    Course Credit: 1
    Evaluation of the student’s accomplishment will be based on a contract with the supervising professor. Normally, laboratory exercises constitute at least one-quarter of the tutorial. Students will apply to the departmental chair for this option. This course does not count toward a major or minor in Biology. May be repeated.
  • BIOL 40100 - Independent Study

    Course Credit: 1
    One weekly meeting with the student’s adviser will focus on project design and exploration of the literature related to the proposed I.S. thesis. A second classroom meeting weekly will support these activities in a collaborative environment. A written I.S. thesis proposal is due at the end of the semester. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 20100 , minimum grade C-; BIOL 20100 , minimum grade C-; BIOL 20200 , minimum grade C-; BIOL 20300 , minimum grade C-; and 1 300-level course in BIOL, minimum grade C-. Annually.
  • BIOL 41000 - Internship

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Maximum Credit: 4
    A structured, usually off-campus experience, in which a student extends classroom knowledge to a work position within a community, business, or governmental organization. Student interns work and learn under the joint guidance of a host organization supervisor and a College of Wooster mentor. The student must arrange the internship in advance through the appropriate department or program. No more than six internships, and a maximum of four Wooster course credits, will count toward graduation. The form for registering for an internship and the Internship Learning Plan are available in the office of the Registrar. Students are required to attend Life Sciences Seminar series throughout the semester. May be repeated. S/NC
  • BIOL 45100 - Senior Independent Study - Semester One

    Course Credit: 1
    The thesis in Biology is based on a laboratory or field investigation in which data are collected and analyzed in comparison with the literature related to the project. A student should devote the same amount of time to the research and the subsequent thesis in BIOL 45100 and BIOL 45200  as that required for two major laboratory courses. The work is ordinarily done in two terms during the academic year. Research may be conducted in the summer. Data may be collected off campus if suitable supervision can be arranged. Normally, a student will have one research adviser. Students are required to attend Life Sciences Seminar series throughout the semester. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 40100  Annually.
  • BIOL 45200 - Senior Independent Study - Semester Two

    Course Credit: 1
    The research adviser, together with a second professor, reads the thesis and conducts an oral examination of the student on the field of research. The evaluation of the thesis will be determined by these two readers in consultation with the department as a whole. Students are required to attend Life Sciences Seminar series throughout the semester. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 45100  Annually.

Business Economics

  • BUEC 11900 - Financial Accounting

    Course Credit: 1
    The study of basic accounting concepts and principles used in the preparation and interpretation of financial statements. Annually. [Q]
  • BUEC 22700 - Money and Capital Markets

    Course Credit: 1
    An analysis of financial intermediaries, why they exist, and how they function. Topics include money market theory and practice, primary and secondary stock and bond markets, mortgage markets, insurance markets, and the markets for derivative securities. Prerequisite(s): ECON 10100  Alternate Years. [HSS]
  • BUEC 23000 - Marketing

    Course Credit: 1
    An analysis of the entrepreneurial aspects of establishing mutually beneficial exchange relationships. Topics include market research and segmentation strategies as well as product development, promotion, pricing, and distribution. Prerequisite(s): ECON 10100  [HSS]
  • BUEC 25000 - Corporate Finance

    Course Credit: 1
    Study of the firm’s investing and financing decision-making process and its relationship to the firm’s internal and external economic environment. Particular attention is paid to the firm’s stakeholders in the financial markets and to a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the methods used in capital budgeting, capital structure, and dividend policy decisions. Prerequisite(s): ECON 10100  and BUEC 11900  Annually. [HSS]
  • BUEC 29900 - Special Topics in Business Economics

    Course Credit: 1
    A course designed to explain an application of business economic analysis to contemporary issues. Prerequisite(s): ECON 10100  and BUEC 11900 
  • BUEC 32500 - Agency Economics

    Course Credit: 1
    This course surveys how economists have studied and conceptualized individual and group agency-or the capacity for human beings to make choices and to impose those choices on the world around them. Topics examining the main insights from Classical, Evolutionary, Behavioral, and Experimental Game Theory are explored. Additional topics survey the principle findings and implications of Behavioral Economics, Neuroeconomics, and Behavioral Finance for Economics and related social sciences. Prerequisite(s): ECON 20100 
  • BUEC 35500 - Organization of the Firm

    Course Credit: 1
    Study of the internal structure of the firm, examining the incentives of the firm’s various constituencies (owners, managers, suppliers, employees). Particular emphasis is placed on the separation of ownership and control in the public corporation. Prerequisite(s): ECON 10100  and ECON 20100  [W]
  • BUEC 36500 - Portfolio Theory and Analysis

    Course Credit: 1
    A study of alternative types of investments, including a discussion of the methods utilized in selecting and evaluating security portfolios. Prerequisite(s): ECON 10100 , ECON 11000 , ECON 21000 , BUEC 11900 , MATH 10400  or MATH 10800 . Alternate Years.
  • BUEC 37000 - Strategic Management

    Course Credit: 1
    This course analyzes business problem-solving from the perspective of various functional areas within a complex external environment. The approach is a mix of theory and case study designed to give students an opportunity to apply previous course work while forcing them to consider tradeoffs and balance alternatives. Prerequisite(s): BUEC 11900 , ECON 11000 , ECON 20100  and 1 other BUEC course Annually.
  • BUEC 39900 - Special Topics in Advanced Business Economics

    Course Credit: 1
    A seminar designed for the advanced business economics major. Topics will reflect new developments in business economics. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): BUEC 11900  and ECON 20100 
  • BUEC 40100 - Independent Study

    Course Credit: 1
    A one-semester course that focuses upon the research skills, methodology, and theoretical framework necessary for Senior Independent Study. Prerequisite(s): ECON 11000  (or MATH 22900 ), ECON 21000  (or MATH 32900 ), and either ECON 20100  or ECON 20200  Annually.
  • BUEC 41000 - Business Economics Internship

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Maximum Credit: 1
    Qualified students will be placed with a firm selected in accordance with their goals and interests. Placement will be for 22 weeks. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): ECON 10100 , ECON 20200 , and BUEC 11900 ; or permission of instructor
  • BUEC 45100 - Senior Independent Study - Semester One

    Course Credit: 1
    The first semester of the Senior Independent Study project, in which each student engages in creative and independent research guided by a faculty mentor and which culminates in a thesis and an oral examination in the second semester. Spring semester enrollment in BUEC 45100 is by permission only. Prerequisite(s): BUEC 40100  Annually.
  • BUEC 45200 - Senior Independent Study - Semester Two

    Course Credit: 1
    The second semester of the Senior Independent Study project, which culminates in the thesis and an oral examination. Prerequisite(s): BUEC 45100  Annually.


  • CHEM 10102 - Forensic Science

    Course Credit: 1
    Law enforcement techniques such as DNA typing, fingerprint identification, drug/explosives detection, and fiber analysis are covered in class and short laboratory experiments. The underlying principles of forensic techniques are discussed, drawing on examples from true crime investigations. The broader impact of such methods and investigations is covered in the course. [MNS, Q]
  • CHEM 11100 - Introductory Chemistry

    Course Credit: 1
    Fundamental facts, concepts, and theories of chemistry and mathematical skills are emphasized. Topics include matter, measurements, calculations, elements, atomic theory, atomic mass, the mole, ionic and molecular compounds, types of bonding, mole calculations, types of reactions, limiting reagents, percent yield, solutions, gases, quantum mechanics, orbitals and electrons, electronic structure, atomic periodicity, and Lewis theory. Emphasis will be placed on problem-solving and the development of critical thinking skills. Three class hours per week. Annually. [MNS, Q]
  • CHEM 11200 - Principles of Chemistry

    Course Credit: 1
    Fundamental facts, concepts, and theories central to chemistry are examined. The topics include VSEPR, valence bond, and molecular orbital theories, intermolecular forces, solutions and colligative properties, chemical kinetics, reaction mechanisms, equilibria (chemical, acid-base, aqueous, ionic), thermodynamics (enthalpy, entropy, free energy), and electrochemistry. The laboratory focuses on fundamental techniques, data manipulation, notebook and reporting skills. Three class hours and one three-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 11100 ; CHEM-11200L Annually. [MNS, Q]
  • CHEM 21100 - Organic Chemistry I

    Course Credit: 1
    The fundamental principles of structure, bonding, and reactivity of organic compounds are introduced. Content focuses on functional groups, reaction mechanisms, spectroscopic techniques, data interpretation, and introductory synthetic methods. Critical thinking, application of general concepts to new examples, and problem-solving skills are emphasized. Laboratory experiments incorporate key synthetic organic laboratory skills, reactions, techniques, and instrumentation. The experiments promote independence, information literacy, safety, writing skills, and laboratory competency. Three class hours and one three-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 11200 , minimum grade C-.; CHEM-21100L Annually. [MNS]
  • CHEM 21200 - Organic Chemistry Ii

    Course Credit: 1
    The study of organic structure, bonding, and reactivity continues with more complex molecules including aromatics, carbonyl compounds, amino acids, and carbohydrates. Advanced spectroscopic data analysis and multi-step syntheses challenge students to be creative, critical thinkers. In the laboratory, students apply skills from CHEM 21100, increase independence, and learn new techniques through research-based projects involving synthesis and spectroscopic identification. Information literacy, safety, and writing (notebooks, technical reports, summaries, and experimental plans) are emphasized. Three class hours and one three-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 21100 , minimum grade C-. Annually. [MNS]
  • CHEM 21500 - Analytical Chemistry

    Course Credit: 1
    (BCMB, CHPY)
    The fundamental principles and methodology of chemical analysis are examined with examples from biochemistry and organic and inorganic chemistry. Topics include discussion of errors and statistical treatment of data, a review of equilibria, and introduction to spectroscopy, electrochemistry, and analytical separations. The laboratory emphasizes experimental design, using library resources, and methods for obtaining and evaluating quantitative data. Methods employed include spectroscopy, potentiometry, chromatography, mass spectrometry, and titrimetry. Three class hours and one three-hour laboratory period per week. Recommended: Recommended previous course: CHEM 21200 . Prerequisite(s): CHEM 11200 , minimum grade C-. Annually. [MNS, Q]
  • CHEM 21600 - Environmental Chemistry

    Course Credit: 1
    (CHPY, ENVS)
    Various aspects of the chemistry of the environment, both unpolluted and polluted, are discussed. Emphasis is placed on chemical reactions in the atmospheric and aquatic realms, the relationship between chemical structure and environmental transport, and the toxicity and effects of common environmental pollutants. Case studies are used from the literature to further explore the course material. Three class hours per week. Recommended: Recommended previous course: CHEM 211. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 11200 , minimum grade C-.
  • CHEM 31300 - Advanced Organic Chemistry

    Course Credit: 1
    The course focuses on the experimental, instrumental, and theoretical methods by which the structure, reactivity, and electronic properties of organic compounds are determined. Various aspects of modern organic chemistry, including synthesis, mechanism, advanced spectroscopic methods, and computational chemistry may be covered. Historic and current case studies are taken from the chemical literature. Three class hours per week. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 21200 , minimum grade C-.
  • CHEM 31600 - Instrumental Analysis

    Course Credit: 1
    Modern methods of chemical analysis are covered with an emphasis on spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, separations, and surface analytical techniques. Particular focus is placed on the use of instruments in chemical industry, clinical analysis, and environmental monitoring. Laboratory work involves multi-week independent projects. Three class hours and one three-hour laboratory period per week. Recommended: Recommended previous course: CHEM 31800 . Prerequisite(s): CHEM 21500 , minimum grade C-.; CHEM-31600L
  • CHEM 31800 - Physical Chemistry I

    Course Credit: 1
    Chemical thermodynamics and kinetics. Topics include chemical kinetics and dynamics, rate laws, laws of thermodynamics, free energy and chemical equilibrium. The laboratories focus upon kinetics and thermodynamics with a strong emphasis on data analysis and scientific writing. Three class hours and one three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 11200 , minimum grade C-; and MATH 11100  (or MATH 10700 /MATH 10800 ), minimum grade C-.; CHEM-31800L Annually. [MNS, W]
  • CHEM 31900 - Physical Chemistry Ii

    Course Credit: 1
    Quantum and statistical mechanics. Topics include quantum mechanical theory, quantum mechanical models for motion, the structure of atoms and molecules, molecular symmetry, molecular spectroscopy, and statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. The laboratory experiments focus upon spectroscopy and quantum calculations. There is an emphasis on data analysis and interpretation of results, as well as exploring current research trends. Three class hours and one three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 11200 , minimum grade C-, and MATH 11200 , minimum grade C-. Annually. [MNS]
  • CHEM 33400 - Biophysical Chemistry

    Course Credit: 1
    This course examines the underlying physical principles and laws that govern the behavior of biological systems and biochemical reactions. The fundamental principles of molecular structure, chemical kinetics, and thermodynamics are explored in relationship to biological phenomena. Three class hours per week. Prerequisite(s): MATH 11100  or MATH 10800 , minimum grade C-, and either BCMB 33100  or CHEM 31800 , minimum grade C-.
  • CHEM 34000 - Inorganic Chemistry

    Course Credit: 1
    The details of the chemistries of selected elements and their compounds are studied. For each class of substances studied, the topics of structure, bonding, and reactivity are linked, with some discussion of mechanism, in order to give an overall survey of the chemistry of elements from various portions of the periodic table. Three class hours and one three-hour laboratory period per week. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 11200 , miminum grade C-; or permission of instructor; CHEM-34000L Annually. [MNS]
  • CHEM 34100 - Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

    Course Credit: 1
    Advanced aspects of inorganic chemistry are treated, including the organometallic chemistry of transition metal compounds and the chemistry of catalysis. The course is designed to emphasize structure, bonding, and spectroscopy, as well as syntheses and reaction mechanisms. Three class hours per week. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 31800  and CHEM 34000 ; or permission of instructor Minimum Grade C- [MNS]
  • CHEM 40000 - Tutorial

    Course Credit: 1
    Advanced library and laboratory research problems in analytical, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry and biochemistry. May be repeated. Annually.
  • CHEM 40100 - Introduction to Independent Study

    Course Credit: 1
    This course builds background knowledge and practical skills for independent scientific work. Activities in searching the literature, experimental design, drafting and revising scientific writing, and oral presentation culminate in a written research proposal for the Senior Independent Study project. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 21200 ; Minimum Grade C- Or Departmental Approval Annually.
  • CHEM 41000 - Chemical Research Internship

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Maximum Credit: 3
    Students are placed in research positions in non-academic laboratories. The normal schedule involves work during the summer months, in addition to either the fall or spring semester, on a research problem related to the function of the employing laboratory. The work is directed by scientists at the laboratory. Liaison is established by regularly-scheduled consultations with one or more faculty members of the Department of Chemistry. The student’s schedule is arranged only after consultation with the Chemistry chairperson. May be repeated. S/NC Prerequisite(s): CHEM 21200 , CHEM 21500 , CHEM 31800 , and CHEM 40100 ; Junior standing.
  • CHEM 45100 - Senior Independent Study - Semester One

    Course Credit: 1
    An original investigation is conducted, culminating in a thesis and an oral defense of the thesis in CHEM 45200 . During the Fall each student gives a research seminar on the Independent Study research topic. Projects are offered in selected areas of analytical, inorganic, organic, physical chemistry, and biochemistry. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 21200 , minimum grade C-, and CHEM 40100 , minimum grade C-; or approval by the Department. Annually.
  • CHEM 45200 - Senior Independent Study - Semester Two

    Course Credit: 1
    The second semester of the Senior Independent Study project, which culminates in the thesis, the presentation of a poster, and an oral defense. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 45100  Annually.

Chinese Studies

  • CHIN 10100 - Beginning Chinese Level I

    Course Credit: 1
    Introduces the fundamentals of modern Chinese. Objectives are attainment of proper pronunciation, with special emphasis on tones, basic grammatical patterns, and mastery of approximately 100 characters and compounds. Students are expected to memorize short skits. Five hours per week. Annually.
  • CHIN 10200 - Beginning Chinese Level Ii

    Course Credit: 1
    A continuation of CHIN 101, the course further develops the four basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, and listening comprehension; it introduces Chinese calligraphy, but the main emphases are oral proficiency and comprehension skills. Students are expected to memorize short skits. Five hours per week. Annually.
  • CHIN 20100 - Intermediate Chinese Level I

    Course Credit: 1
    A continuation of beginning Chinese, with more emphasis on vocabulary-building (over 400 characters and compounds) and reading comprehension. Students are expected to memorize short skits and to write short character essays regularly to express their thoughts. In addition, students are also reading short stories from outside the regular textbooks. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 10200  or equivalent Annually. [C]
  • CHIN 20200 - Intermediate Chinese Level Ii

    Course Credit: 1
    A continuation of CHIN 20100  or the equivalent; in addition to textbooks, students will do exercises on language CDs and software applications such as Chinese e-mail or Chinese word processor. The syntactical and grammatical patterns are more complex than those taught in the first year. Students are expected to write and present their essays in Chinese weekly; in addition, students are also reading short stories from outside the regular textbooks. Required of minors. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 20100  or equivalent Annually. [C]
  • CHIN 22000 - Rebels, Romantics, and Reformers: Being Young in China

    Course Credit: 1
    Taught in English. This course introduces the lived experiences of modern Chinese youth as represented in twentieth-century fiction and film. Readings include narrative works by Lu Xun, Lao She, Ba Jin, Mao Dun, Ding Ling, Zhang Ailing, Zhang Jie, Wang Meng, Liu Heng, Wang Shuo, and Xi Xi, as well as poems by Bei Dao, Gu Cheng. The pain, frustration, loneliness, fear and aspiration of the fictional hero shall be understood in relation to social changes in China. We will study many fictional heroes as the shadows of modern man becoming a fragment of his primitive self under the pressures of a progressive civilization. [AH, C]
  • CHIN 22200 - Women in Chinese Literature

    Course Credit: 1
    Taught in English. A survey of women’s experience as represented in Chinese literature, ranging from philosophical texts, poetry, song lyrics, short narrative works, music and biographies to films from both pre-modern and modern periods, written about and by women. The course examines how women are depicted and how men and women define womanhood differently in various works of imagination. The primary texts and secondary readings that establish connections and comparisons among the different works include: The Red Brush: Writing Women of Imperial China, Teachers of the Inner Chambers: Women and Culture in Seventeenth-Century China, and Precious Records: Women in China’s Long Eighteenth Century. The theoretical focus is on the construction of femininity in a patrilineal society. Annually. [AH, C]
  • CHIN 22300 - Chinese Cinema As Translation of Cultures

    Course Credit: 1
    Taught in English. What do Chinese people think of the social transformation of the past 30 years? What are their views and attitudes towards these changes that have affected their lives in profound ways? What are their dreams and fantasies about modernizations? What are their fear and hope when they look into the future? Divided into four groups: historical, rural, urban and Hong Kong and Taiwan, 24 narrative films are studied as auto-ethnographic texts in which the people in the PRC, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the Chinese diaspora try to negotiate their cultural identity and achieve a translated modernity. In these films of self-representation, China, its people, and its past all get reinvented. Annually. [AH, C]
  • CHIN 22500 - Performance Traditions of China

    Course Credit: 1
    (CMLT, EAST)
    The course introduces topics in the rich panorama of oral and oral- connected performance traditions of China. Local traditions of professional storytelling, epic singing, folksongs, ritual, and local drama will be explored from an interdisciplinary perspective that will include folkloristics, vernacular and popular culture, performance studies, ethnopoetics, and translation studies. Taking a multi-ethnic approach, stress will be given to the idea that the performance traditions in China, rather than being parts of a monolithic “Chinese” tradition are better represented as diverse and distinct traditions with occasional similarities that exist or have existed within the modern borders of China. The course is not a comprehensive coverage of the hundreds of local traditions, but will alert students to the variety and nature of this vast corpus, in which much remains to be explored and documented. [AH, C]
  • CHIN 30100 - High Intermediate Chinese I

    Course Credit: 1
    (EAST, GLIS)
    Practice in listening, speaking, reading, and writing at an advanced level. Review of grammatical patterns and expansion of vocabulary for practical use outside the classroom setting. Use of multi-media resources (audio recordings, film, screenplays, newspapers, expository prose) to achieve proficiency. Introduction to cultural topics and intellectual currents most pertinent to contemporary China. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 20200  or equivalent Annually.
  • CHIN 30200 - High Intermediate Chinese Ii

    Course Credit: 1
    (EAST, GLIS)
    Continuation of CHIN 30100. Additional, more intensive and extensive practice in listening, speaking, reading, and writing at an advanced level. Continued review of grammatical patterns and expansion of vocabulary for practical use outside the classroom setting. Use of multi-media resources (audio recordings, film, screenplays, newspapers, expository prose) to achieve greater proficiency. Continued discussion of cultural topics and intellectual currents most pertinent to contemporary China. Prerequisite(s): CHIN-30100 or equivalent Annually.
  • CHIN 31100 - Advanced Chinese I

    Course Credit: 1
    Development of advanced skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Study of language usage and the acquisition of common popular expressions, newly coined terms, slang, proverbs, and idioms in reading and writing. Use of textbooks and original materials with such foci as literary revolution, women’s liberation, gender equality, urbanization, economic transformation, etc.. Discussion of current events and introduction to textual analysis. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 30200 , or equivalent Annually. [AH, C, R]
  • CHIN 31200 - Advanced Chinese Ii

    Course Credit: 1
    (EAST, GLIS)
    Study of key issues in Chinese society through the exposure to authentic materials (novella, commercial manuals, classified ads, travel and tourist literature, rental and real estate documents, legal proceedings, job descriptions). Extensive use of audio and video materials to simulate a variety of real life situations to improve oral and written proficiency and deepen cultural knowledge. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 30200  or equivalent. Annually.
  • CHIN 40000 - Tutorial

    Course Credit: 1
    (EAST, GLIS)
    Individually supervised language learning. By prior arrangement with the department only. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 31200  or equivalent
  • CHIN 40100 - Junior Independent Study

    Course Credit: 1
    A one-semester course that focuses upon the research skills, methodology, and theoretical framework necessary for Senior Independent Study; the student proposes and produces a well researched study on a topic of his or ter own choice, with weekly meeting with the faculty member and the chair. Annually.
  • CHIN 41000 - Internship

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Maximum Credit: 4
    A structured, usually off-campus experience, in which a student extends classroom knowledge to a work position within a community, business, or governmental organization. Student interns work and learn under the joint guidance of a host organization supervisor and a College of Wooster mentor. The student must arrange the internship in advance through the appropriate department or program. No more than six internships, and a maximum of four Wooster course credits, will count toward graduation. The form for registering for an internship and the Internship Learning Plan are available in the Office of the Registrar. May be repeated. S/NC Annually.
  • CHIN 45100 - Senior Independent Study - Semester One

    Course Credit: 1
    The first semester of the Senior Independent Study project, in which each student engages in creative and independent research guided by a faculty mentor and which culminates in a thesis and an oral examination in the second semester. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 40100  Annually.
  • CHIN 45200 - Senior Independent Study - Semester Two

    Course Credit: 1
    The second semester of the Senior Independent Study project, which culminates in the thesis and an oral examination. Prerequisite(s): CHIN 45100  Annually.

Classical Studies

  • CLST 40100 - Junior Independent Study Seminar

    Course Credit: 1
    This writing-intensive seminar offers Classical Studies majors a firm grounding in the discipline, with an emphasis on the diverse materials, methods, and approaches that can be brought to bear on the study of Greco- Roman antiquity. Each student produces a junior thesis on the topic of his or her choice. That topic may be in Latin, Greek, or Classical Civilization. Annually.
  • CLST 41000 - Latin Teaching Internship

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Maximum Credit: 4
    This .50 or .25 course is an experiential off-campus experience in which students teach Latin to children in local schools. Student interns work and learn under the joint guidance of the host organization and a faculty member in Classical Studies. May be repeated. S/NC
  • CLST 45100 - Senior Independent Study - Semester One

    Course Credit: 1
    The first semester of the Senior Independent Study project, in which each student engages in creative and independent research guided by a faculty mentor and which culminates in a thesis and an oral examination in the second semester. The main fields of choice for a major with a concentration in Classical Languages are the literature, philosophy, religion, or history of Greece or Rome. Suggested fields of specialization for a major with a concentration in Ancient Mediterranean Studies are archaeology, ancient history, mythology, classical or comparative literary criticism, philosophy. Prerequisite(s): CLST 40100  Annually.
  • CLST 45200 - Senior Independent Study - Semester Two

    Course Credit: 1
    The second semester of the Senior Independent Study project, which culminates in the thesis and an oral examination. Prerequisite(s): CLST 45100  Annually.


  • COMD 14000 - Speech and Language Clinic Practicum

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Procedures and practices in the assessment and management of persons who are speech and/or language impaired as applied under the direct supervision of ASHA certified and state-licensed speech-language pathologists in the Freedlander Speech and Hearing Clinic. Four semesters required by majors and minors for credit toward graduation. Alternatively, students may complete three semesters of COMD 14000 and a fourth semester of COMD 14400 . May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): COMD 14100 , COMD 14300 , and COMD 14500  (previously offered as COMD 14100 , COMD 14300 , and COMD 14500 ); or permission of the instructor Annually.
  • COMD 14100 - Introduction to Communication Sciences and Disorders

    Course Credit: 1
    At the completion of this course, the student will possess knowledge of a host of speech, language, and hearing disorders (including stuttering, voice, developmental language, aphasia, other neurogenic disorders, articulation/phonology, cleft palate, and hearing disorders). The study of speech-language pathology and audiology and the nature of the clinical practices of these professions will also be addressed. Annually. [HSS]
  • COMD 14300 - Phonetic Transcription and Phonology

    Course Credit: 1
    Content areas to be addressed include anatomy and physiology of the speech mechanisms; speech acoustics and speech science basics; introduction to articulation, phonological, and speech intelligibility testing; spoken language and communication differences (multicultural aspects of spoken language, including dialects of American English); and disordered speech. In addition, the course will prepare the student to be a skilled practitioner in phonetic transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Prerequisite(s): COMD 14100  (previously offered as COMD 14100 ) Annually.
  • COMD 14400 - Audiology Clinic Practicum

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Procedures and practices in the assessment and management of persons who have hearing concerns as applied under the direct supervision of ASHA certified and state-licensed audiologists in the Freelander Speech and Hearing Clinic. Prerequisite(s): COMD 24400  (previously offered as COMD 24400 ), three semesters of COMD 14000  (previously offered as COMD 14000 ; or permission of the instructor Annually.
  • COMD 14500 - Language Development in Children

    Course Credit: 1
    (COMM, EDUC)
    At the completion of this course, the student will have a comprehensive knowledge of the developmental process of children learning spoken language. Annually. [HSS]
  • COMD 24400 - Audiology

    Course Credit: 1
    At the completion of this course, the student will have comprehensive knowledge, skills, and abilities in the areas of both diagnostic and rehabilitative audiology. Prerequisite(s): COMD 14100  (previously offered as COMM-14100); or permission of the instructor Annually.
  • COMD 31600 - Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism

    Course Credit: 1
    This course will provide students with an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the speech mechanism. Systems to be covered include respiration, laryngeal, articulatory, nervous, and circulatory. Prerequisite(s): COMD 14100  (previously offered as COMM-14100); or permission of the instructor Alternate Years.
  • COMD 34404 - Speech and Hearing Sciences

    At the completion of this course the student will possess a knowledge of the physics and biology related to speech perception and production; the anatomy and physiology of the auditory systems (conductive, sensorineural, and central auditory mechanisms); and the relationship between speech perception, audibility, and speech production. Clinical application to populations with disordered hearing will be addressed.
  • COMD 34500 - Advanced Seminar in Communication Sciences and Disorders

    A series of courses to focus on current topics of interest in the fields of speech, language, and hearing sciences and disorders.
  • COMD 37000 - Auditory Rehabilitation

    Course Credit: 1
    This course will address the implications of hearing loss in children and adults including educational, vocational, social, and legislative concerns of children and adults with hearing impairments; hearing aid orientation approaches; and assessment tools and intervention techniques used in order to maximize the communication skills of people with hearing impairment and their communication partners. Prerequisite(s): COMD 24400  (previously offered as COMM-24400); or permission of the instructor Annually.
  • COMD 40000 - Tutorial

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Maximum Credit: 1
    A tutorial course on a special topic may be offered to an individual student under the supervision of a faculty member.
  • COMD 40100 - Junior Independent Study

    Course Credit: 1
    The course examines how scholars conduct communication research and culminates with students writing a Junior Independent Study thesis under the direction of a faculty adviser. Topics include the selection of a research question or purpose; the use of the library for scholarly communication research; a broad overview of humanistic and social scientific methods; the evaluation of scholarly research; and guidelines for scholarly writing. The course involves a number of writing assignments as well as the drafting and revision of thesis chapters, in order to help students clarify their goals and articulate their research findings in a coherent way. Prerequisite(s): COMD 14100 , minimum grade C-; COMD 14500 , minimum grade C-; COMD 24400 , minimum grade C-; COMM 35300 ; and completion of a W course. Annually.
  • COMD 41000 - Internship

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Maximum Credit: 4
    A structured, usually off-campus experience, in which a student extends classroom knowledge to a work position within a community, business, or governmental organization. Student interns work and learn under the joint guidance of a host organization supervisor and a College of Wooster mentor. The student must arrange the internship in advance through the appropriate department or program. No more than six internships, and a maximum of four Wooster course credits, will count toward graduation. The form for registering for an internship and the Internship Learning Plan are available in the office of the Registrar. May be repeated. S/NC Annually.
  • COMD 45100 - Senior Independent Study - Semester One

    Course Credit: 1
    The first semester of the Senior Independent Study project, in which each student engages in creative and independent research guided by a faculty mentor and also gives an oral presentation to the department. Prerequisite(s): COMD 40100  (previously offered as COMM 40100 ) Annually.
  • COMD 45200 - Senior Independent Study - Semester Two

    Course Credit: 1
    The second semester of the Senior Independent Study project, which culminates in the thesis and an oral examination. Prerequisite(s): COMD 45100  Annually.
  • COMM 11100 - Introduction to Communication Studies

    Course Credit: 1
    This course examines the significance of communication in human life and introduces students to fundamental principles and processes of communication in a variety of contexts: interpersonal relationships, small groups, public settings, and the mass media. Students will learn to think critically about communication and will apply the knowledge they gain through a variety of means: class exercises, a group project of limited scope, message analysis, and a presentation. Annually. [HSS]

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