Oct 12, 2024
2016-2017 Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
BIOL 37700 - Behavioral EndocrinologyCourse Credit: 1.25 (NEUR) A study of the interrelationships of the endocrine system and behavior of animals. Topics include reproduction, parental behavior, aggression, biological rhythms, mood, and stress. Special emphasis will be placed on endocrine and neuroendocrine mechanisms of behavior. Laboratory exercises include an introduction to endocrine techniques, experimental investigations of hormones and behavior, and comparative anatomy of the endocrine system. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory weekly. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 20100 , minimum grade C-, BIOL 20200 , minimum grade C-, and CHEM 11200 , minimum grade C-; or permission of instructor; BIOL-37700L Annually.