Mar 31, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalogue 
2023-2024 Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Resources


Resources for Students

APEX (Advising, Planning, Experiential Learning)

APEX integrates and coordinates the resources and activities that help students develop intentional educational plans and thoughtful career paths. APEX complements our one-on-one faculty advising system by providing a centralized location for programs and resources. By combining the offices of Academic Advising, the Learning Center, the Registrar, Experiential Learning & Community Engagement, Entrepreneurship, Career Planning, and Global Engagement, APEX fosters the cultivation of self-reflective and purposeful learning throughout students’ four years at Wooster and prepares them to be lifelong learners and responsible global citizens. One of the goals of APEX is to enable students to translate their liberal arts education at Wooster to life after college through experiential learning programs that foster the integration of theory and practice.

Academic Advising

The Office of Academic Advising complements our faculty advising program and provides an additional resource to students to help them develop intentional and comprehensive educational plans. Staff in the office are available for individual meetings and provide programming to meet the challenges of college life. For more information, please contact Mark Graham, Associate Dean for Academic Advising ( or Krista Martin, Assistant Director of Academic Advising ( You may also call the front desk in APEX at: 330-263-1919.

Academic Resource Center

The Academic Resource Center offers academic support to any student on campus. The Academic Resource Center is staffed by professional consultants who work with individual students in scheduled sessions. The sessions focus on time management, organizational skills, and effective study strategies tailored to meet students’ academic needs in specific courses. Students may also take advantage of quiet space for study.

The Academic Resource Center is also the office of support for students with disabilities. The College recognizes that students with disabilities may have certain needs that require specific accommodations. To ensure equal access to all courses and programs at the College, students are required to submit professional documentation of the disability to the Academic Resource Center. Reasonable and appropriate accommodations will be arranged after students meet with Academic Resource Center staff to review their documentation.

 An additional support that the Academic Resource Center offers is English Language Learning. Students can receive instruction or support with English grammar, sentence structure, writing, reading comprehension and speed, vocabulary, listening comprehension, speaking fluency, pronunciation, and American culture through one-on-one meetings with the Academic Resource Center staff.

The Academic Resource Center also offers students support in Academic Life Coaching. Academic Life Coaching is a program for students who are committed to their personal growth, ready for change, and who are eager to achieve their goals. Students can partner with an Academic Life Coach to establish and fulfill their academic, social, professional, and personal goals.

A final support the Academic Resource Center offers in Peer Tutoring.  Students can work with trained peer tutors in fifteen (15) academic departments as well as in English Language Learning.  These sessions are one-on-one and focus on the student’s understanding of course content and the development of academic skills for the course.

The Academic Resource Center is open Monday through Friday. There is no fee for this service and students are encouraged to schedule appointments with the Center early in the semester. The Director of the Academic Resource Center is Amber Larson ( For more information, please call 330-263-2595.


The Center for Entrepreneurship takes a broad view toward the definition and benefits of entrepreneurship that goes beyond starting new ventures to include leadership development and the search for finding solutions to complex problems. The focus is on empowering individuals to make a difference in the world through the creation of an entrepreneurial mindset and skillset. The Center supports academic courses, the Entrepreneurship Pathway, and connects students to experiential opportunities across Northeast Ohio. 

The Center has offices in APEX. Please consult the Entrepreneurship website for more information. You can reach the Director of Entrepreneurship, Peter Abramo, Ph.D. at


The Registrar’s Office maintains the academic records of current and former students. The office plays an integral part in academic advising, registering, and working with students toward the goal of degree completion. A complete list of provided services is available on the website.

Office hours are M-F 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. For additional information, please contact Nicholas Szymanski, Registrar ( at 330-263-2366.

Experiential Learning & Community Engagement

To learn experientially is to make meaning out of direct experience.  Wooster expresses experiential learning in a three-tiered model (Exploration, Investigation, and Immersion) incorporating a range of activities including credentialed courses and co-curricular experiences, internships, volunteering, field experiences, job shadowing, mentored consulting projects and collaborative research in our local community and around the world. These opportunities provide students with a situation in which they can employ knowledge, creativity, and judgment to solve real-world problems. Students are expected to link prior knowledge and academic experience to practical situations in a manner which exhibits a high degree of autonomy and responsibility. In addition, effective integration of theory and practice also requires students to utilize a variety of concepts, skills, and problem- solving techniques in an intentional and self-reflective manner. For more information about experiential learning opportunities, please contact Cathy McConnell, Director of Experiential Learning and Community Engagement (, at 330-287-2301.

Career Planning

Career Planning guides students by offering a wide variety of career development activities, programs, and networking opportunities that foster a seamless student transition from college to the professional world. Our main goal is to help students create a career plan that integrates their academic, personal, and professional goals.

We serve students from the time they register for their first fall classes through their senior year and beyond. We provide resources, tools, and programs to help students develop a professional skill set tailored to their career path. We offer information about careers and majors, access to internships and summer jobs, the opportunity to practice interviewing, attendance at networking events on and off campus, assistance with creating a resume, and implementation of a job search and/or graduate school plan.

For more information, please contact Lisa Kastor, Director, or Jackie Sanchez, Administrative Coordinator, at 330-263-2496 or email

Global Engagement Office

The Global Engagement Office (GEO) provides College of Wooster students with the opportunity to participate in over 150 compelling off-campus study experiences that are academically challenging, professionally relevant, and personally engaging.  Programs are designed to enable students to enrich their general education, acquire discipline-specific global competencies, acquire foreign language skills, and understand and respect the beliefs and perspectives held by others.  Students can obtain an appreciation for cultural diversity and develop cultural intelligence.  Through reflection, students may also gain clarity about personal values and future goals.  

Our short-term programs are known as TREKs - Think, Re/search, Engage, Know. TREKs are led by Wooster faculty and vary by theme and location. Some TREKs are embedded in a semester long course at Wooster with the experience abroad taking place during a school break; others are stand-alone programs that combine the entire course and the experience abroad. The time spent abroad on a TREK program varies from 2-6 weeks, and TREK offerings change each academic year.

The College believes that every student should have the opportunity to study off-campus, regardless of academic interest or financial situation, and GEO advises students with their academic and professional goals and interests in mind in order to find the best match for each individual. For more information, contact Candace Chenoweth, Director of Global Engagement ( at 330-263-2074.

Math Center

The Math Center in Taylor Hall, Room 301, supports students in introductory level math courses. Staffed by a math professional and/or peer tutors, the Math Center provides walk-in tutoring (no appointment required). Math Center users typically ask for assistance understanding concepts and examples from the text and/or class lectures, preparing for exams, or completing homework assignments. Some students choose to complete all of their math homework at the Center to have immediate access to the Center’s resources, while others bring in problems after attempting an assignment. While the Math Center cannot explain economics, physics, astronomy, chemistry, etc., it can help students from non-math courses solve an equation or complete an integral.

For more information, please contact Ronda Kirsch, Director of the Math Center, at 330-263-2490.

Writing Center

Two ideals figure prominently in a Wooster education: successful writing and independent students. The Writing Center is essential to both. From First-Year Seminar to Senior Independent Study, from receiving a writing assignment to final editing of a paper, from constructing an argument to documenting sources, from process to product, the College Writing Center provides one-on-one guidance, resources, and support for student writers as they work through their academic careers. We strive to enable student writers to make informed, successful, and independent decisions about their writing. The staff includes experienced student writers, knowledgeable professional staff, and professionals in the field of writing. Regular appointments for many Sr. I.S. students and most students working repeatedly with the Writing Center are the best indicators of its importance. The Writing Center also offers a range of programs and writing retreats for First-Year and Senior I.S. students. There is no charge for working in the Writing Center.

Writing is a process that moves from generating ideas for writing to proofreading, and the Writing Center can help at any stage of that process. The Writing Center strives to provide educated readers who ask common-sense questions and point out issues of focus, organization, and tone, as well as mechanics. The staff works from the ideal that repairing one paper is productive, but helping writers to better understand and take control of successful writing provides much greater benefit. Our goal is to help students learn to look at their writing more critically through their identifying writing strengths and our guiding their improvement elsewhere. The Writing Center is located on the first floor of Andrews Library adjacent to CoRE. Appointments are not required, but they are recommended.

Students are encouraged to call Alicia Brazeau, Director of the Writing Center, at 330- 263-2205 or to visit the Writing Center’s website.

CoRE (Collaborative Research Environment)

The Collaborative Research Environment (CoRE), located on the first floor of Andrews Library, is a vibrant and creative environment geared toward collaborative work by students and faculty. The CoRE is a place to brainstorm ideas, develop collaborative projects using digital and traditional media, sketch out a new concept, or practice a presentation. Students can consult the Research Help desk in Gault Library, work with consultants at the Writing Center on a script, visit the Digital Studio to create green-screen footage, and then move to the Digital Media Bar to have a Student Technology Associate help with the editing of your dynamic video presentation. Students are encouraged to bring group projects to the CoRE, as it is equipped with multimedia tools for sharing work, along with individual collaboration rooms for a more private collaborative setting. The Cube, a multipurpose room in the center of the CoRE, provides a space where students and faculty discuss proposals, present research, and explore new teaching techniques.

For more information, email or call the Interim Director of CoRE, Zach Sharrow at 330-263-2204.

Center for Diversity and Inclusion

The Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) is a network of branches coordinated to support underrepresented and historically marginalized communities on campus as well as to encourage and foster development of intercultural competency among all campus community members. Merging student life and curricular development with programming and outreach, the CDI advances the College’s commitment to building a truly inclusive institution, which supports community members from all intersectional identities and backgrounds, including socio-economic status, race/ethnicity, nationality/citizenship status, religious/spiritual affiliations/beliefs, as well as all gender, sexuality, and romantic identities. A liberal arts education demands a diverse, inclusive, and global perspective, an understanding of the local situated in a broader world context. The CDI works to foster that perspective across a range of fields on campus and beyond. The CDI staff, who work in partnership with the Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer, are located in Babcock Hall. For more information, please visit the CDI website.

The College of Wooster Art Museum (CWAM) in Ebert Art Center

The College of Wooster Art Museum (CWAM) supports and enhances the College’s goals of teaching, research, and service through exhibitions, scholarship, collection preservation, and public engagement. Because artists play a crucial role in all aspects of culture and society, direct experiences with original works of art actively support the teaching of critical thinking and visual literacy through engagement with art-from ancient to contemporary-presented within a social and historical context. The museum program promotes campus-wide collaborations and interdisciplinary dialogue and acts as a catalyst for creative engagement both on campus and between the College and regional and national audiences.

Located in the Ebert Art Center, the CWAM presents four to six exhibitions each academic year in its two galleries-the Sussel Gallery and the Burton D. Morgan Gallery. These exhibitions include those by national and internationally renowned artists, course-embedded student-curated projects, the annual Studio Art Senior Independent Study group exhibition, and faculty sabbatical exhibitions. With a permanent collection of over 8,500 objects, the CWAM organizes at least one collection exhibition annually and collection materials are available for faculty, student, and classroom study.

For more information about The College of Wooster Art Museum visit: or contact Kitty McManus Zurko, Director/Curator at 330-263-2290.

Information Technology

Information Technology (IT) at Wooster facilitates access to and use of information, communication, and collaboration technologies. IT strives to provide technology resources that are appropriate in the context of Wooster’s liberal arts tradition, its mission, and its core values. The use of information technology resources is integral to students’ development in each of Wooster’s Graduate Qualities.

Students, faculty, and staff have access to information resources, communications and multimedia tools, software applications, and specialized computing environments. They are supported in their endeavors by a team of professional staff and a team of Student Technology Assistants.

Wooster’s campus network provides access to campus technology and Internet resources. Pervasive wired and wireless networks make it possible for students to use their notebook computers anywhere on campus for research, study, work, communications, and entertainment.

For additional information about Information Technology at Wooster, please visit the Information Technology section of the College’s website.


The College of Wooster Libraries, named one of the top 10 best college libraries by The Princeton Review (2020 Ed.), consist of the Andrews Library (1962), made possible largely through a gift from the late Mabel Shields (Mrs. Matthew) Andrews of Cleveland; the Flo K. Gault Library for Independent Study (1995), made possible by a major gift from Stanley and Flo K. Gault of Wooster; and the Timken Science Library in Frick Hall, the original University of Wooster Library (1900-62), the gift of Henry Clay Frick of Pittsburgh, and renovated in 1998 largely through the gift of the Timken Foundation of Canton, Ohio. The libraries provide seating for nearly 780 library users, including over 400 carrels for seniors engaged in Independent Study. Sixteen group study rooms allow small groups of students to work collaboratively. All libraries have secure wireless access to the Internet.

The libraries’ holdings are approximately 1.7 million items including physical and electronic books, periodicals, microforms, recorded materials, media, newspapers, and government publications. The libraries are a selective depository for United States government publications. There are several special collections. Most notable is the Wallace Notestein Library of English History; others include the McGregor Collection of Americana, the Homer E. McMaster Lincoln Collection, the Paul O. Peters Collection on rightist American politics, the Gregg D. Wolfe Memorial Library of the Theatre, and the Josephine Long Wishart Collection of women’s advice literature, “Mother, Home, and Heaven.” The extensive microtext collections include the Atlanta University-Bell & Howell Black Culture Collection, the Library of American Civilization, Herstory, and the Greenwood Science Fiction Collection.

Wooster’s library catalog is part of CONSORT, an electronic catalog shared with Denison University, Kenyon College, and Ohio Wesleyan University. CONSORT, in turn, is part of OhioLINK, a network of 120 academic and public libraries throughout the state. Wooster faculty and students may order any of over 43 million books and other materials directly from any CONSORT or OhioLINK library via the online catalog and receive them within 3-5 working days. Interlibrary loan of books from out-of-state libraries or periodical articles is also available but may take more time to receive.

The CONSORT and OhioLINK catalogs, as well as more than 568 other electronic databases, many including full text articles, are available in residence halls and faculty offices via the campus computer network as well as off campus. The libraries also include classrooms, computer labs, a digital curation lab, and the Collaborative Research Environment (CoRE) which houses the Digital Studio (one button video production, podcast studio, and production editing suite), plus the Educational Technology run Media Bar.

Librarians are available to assist users in navigating the research process and creating new information. Aid is given at the research help desk, via course-related presentations, or in individual consultations. An active information fluency program equips students at all levels for independent research.

For more information, please contact Makiba Foster, Librarian of the College, at 330-263-2152.

Scot Council

In the spring of 1969, a Campus Council was created, which joined in its membership students, faculty, staff, and administration to legislate in the areas of student life and extracurricular affairs and to issue advisory opinions and make recommendations to the President of the College, the Board of Trustees, and other organizations. One of the Council’s responsibilities is to charter all student organizations and allocate their budgets.

Since its creation, the Council has become an increasingly effective forum in which ideas are heard, exchanged, and coordinated into action. A contribution of major significance was the Council’s sponsorship of the drafting and its continued oversight of the Code of Academic Integrity and the Code of Social Responsibility.

In Spring of 2020, Campus Council and the Student Government Association (SGA) worked to create a new student government at Wooster called Scot Council. Scot Council (SC), the College of Wooster’s student government, exists to serve as the collective voice of the student body to the faculty, staff, administration, and the Board of Trustees. It is the unwavering purpose of Scot Council to ensure and protect the welfare, well-being, and best interests of all students of The College of Wooster. Scot Council is made up of 3 elected class representatives for each class year; 12 total, 5 constituency representatives, and 5 executive board members.

Some of Scot Council’s responsibilities include to recognize student organizations at the College through a formal process with the Office of Student Engagement as well as allocate student organization budgets from the student activities fee based on a set of guidelines for the use of the fee.

Intercollegiate Athletics and Intramural Sports

The College of Wooster believes that all phases of physical education (instructional classes, intramural sports, and intercollegiate athletics) are integral parts of the total educational program. All intercollegiate athletics are under the direction of the Department of Physical Education and Athletics.

The College is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association and the North Coast Athletic Conference; its conduct of men’s and women’s intercollegiate athletics is governed by the policies of these organizations. The men’s program includes eleven sports: baseball, basketball, cross-country, football, golf, lacrosse, soccer, swimming, tennis, indoor and outdoor track. The women’s varsity program includes twelve sports: basketball, cross-country, field hockey, golf, lacrosse, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, indoor and outdoor track, and volleyball.

Tuition includes free admission for students to all regularly-scheduled intercollegiate contests held in Wooster (excludes tournaments and post-season).

A varied intramural program is offered for both men and women. Activities include flag football, volleyball, golf, soccer, basketball, ultimate frisbee, floor hockey, swimming, tennis, and softball, among others. The intramural department encourages individual students as well as student groups to suggest new activities.

A student group desiring to use one of the College’s intercollegiate practice or game fields or facilities must obtain prior permission from the chairperson of the Department of Physical Education and Athletics. For more information, please contact Kristyn King, Interim Athletic Director, or Ashley Reid, Associate Athletic Director, at 330-263-2500.


The Scot Marching Band is an organization of about 170 musicians which plays at all home football games and one invitational band festival. The Scot Symphonic Band (about 80 members) gives three home concerts each season and tours during a portion of the spring vacation. The Scot Pipers and Dancers perform with the Marching Band during football season, make appearances around the state during the school year, and tour with the Symphonic Band in the spring. Membership in the Marching Band is open to all students. Symphonic Band membership requires an audition.

Wooster Chorus, the College’s premier choral ensemble, presents several concerts both on and off-campus throughout the academic year, including a week-long domestic tour in the spring. Membership is for the full academic year, and is open to all students by audition.

Wooster Singers is a mixed-voice choir open to all students without audition. This ensemble explores choral music of a wide range of styles and historic periods. At least one performance is scheduled each semester.

Wooster Symphony Orchestra is a college/community ensemble of over 60 musicians made up of students, faculty, and local citizens which plays three subscription concerts each season. Wooster Symphony membership requires an audition.

Jazz Ensemble is an organization of 18-20 players which performs three home concerts per year in addition to occasional outside appearances. A variety of musical styles is included, and there is opportunity for members to contribute original compositions and arrangements. Jazz Ensemble membership requires an audition.

Jazz Combos are performing ensembles composed of three to ten instrumentalists devoted to the study and performance of small-group jazz (hot, swing, bebop, cool, progressive, and fusion).

Ensembles are smaller groups, such as string, woodwind, brass, and percussion ensembles, which function in addition to the above groups as there is a demand or requirement.

For more information on student music groups, please contact the Department Chair, or Melissa Puster, Administrative Coordinator, at 330-263-2419.

Religious and Spiritual Life on Campus

The College of Wooster is home to a tremendous amount of religious, secular, and spiritual diversity. Religious & Spiritual Life (RSL) strives to support students, faculty, and staff in their individual and collective journeys of meaning-making by providing opportunities for dialogue, education, reflection, and community. RSL leads a variety of regular programs and services designed for religious expression and spiritual growth, and many student organizations offer ways for students to integrate their spiritual and religious development with their intellectual, social, and personal growth.

The Chaplain and RSL team serve as primary resources in supporting students’ religious, secular, and spiritual needs, but work in close partnership with the Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) staff and other campus partners to address students’ well-being and wholistic health. The Chaplain and other RSL staff are available for individual conversations with students to provide spiritual or emotional support, and act as resources for religious life and observances across campus. The Chaplain also works with the Religious Studies department to support students’ exploration of seminary, graduate theological education, and service-oriented vocations in life after Wooster as part of the Pre-Ministry program. Visit RSL’s webpage, available on the college’s website under the CDI.

Worthy Questions is an intergenerational mentoring program inviting students to meet weekly and explore with others the ‘quest’ for purpose and meaning which serves to integrate diverse aspects of one’s life. Mentors from the community are also paired with students and join them in the process of learning to “ask questions worthy of the person they may become.” The program accepts applications in the Fall with the new cohort cycles beginning each Spring.

There are several Sacred Spaces on campus designed to assist with and support the exploration and practice of many spiritual traditions. These spaces include: Muslim Prayer Rooms (designed to assist in the practice of Salah), a Solemn Prayer Room, a Zen meditation room with a dry rock garden, the Living Room (designed for small group dialogues and reflection), and an outdoor Prayer Labyrinth. These spaces are equipped with sacred texts, prayer rugs and beads, and other artifacts, and all are open to the whole campus community for individual or group use.

Wooster Catholic offers services, activities, retreats, social justice programs, and speakers that center on the experience of being Catholic and a college student. Students also connect with the wider Diocese of Cleveland by working in partnership with a Catholic Campus Minister stationed at the college who helps guide the ministries and programming.

UKirk Wooster is a progressive ecumenical Christian student organization, connected with Westminster and First Presbyterian Churches. UKirk is explicitly open and affirming to all LGBTQ+ identities and focuses on fellowship, radical hospitality, and service. The group meets weekly for student-led worship and conversations over coffee, monthly dinners, and outings in the Wooster community focused on integrating faith and justice.

Wooster Christian Fellowship (WCF) is affiliated nationally with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. The group meets weekly for worship and fellowship as well as offering occasional retreats, conferences, and camps. The group also sponsors a number of small group Bible studies and affiliated student groups, such as WordUp!- a space for Black Christian students to celebrate and explore the intersection of race, culture, and faith.

YoungLife connects college and high school aged students in fellowship and study, focusing on mentoring relationships, faith, and lived experience. YoungLife also meets regularly for Bible studies with community leaders off-campus and with local churches in the Wooster-area.

Jewish life on campus centers around the Hillel student group. Hillel works to increase the appreciation and observance of Judaism, and is open and welcoming to Jewish and non-Jewish students. The group sponsors activities for the entire campus, including traditional Jewish religious celebrations, guest lectures, and panel discussions with other faith-based student organizations. Hillel also has a programming space and house for students to live in community with one another. The activities of the Hillel community are supported, in part, by the Lottie Kornfeld Endowment and the nearby synagogue, Knesseth Israel Temple (KIT).

Nooris the primary community for Muslim students on campus. Noor exists to inform the campus community about rich Islamic traditions and heritage, and welcomes anyone who is interested in learning more about Islam. Noor also works with RSL to arrange periodic trips to the area mosque, offer meal arrangements and Ifter dinners during Ramadan, and share about observances of other major religious holidays.

One of the newest student groups is home to many Pagan students, the Wooster Coven. The Coven affirms all Pagan traditions and nature-based spiritualities, providing a space to learn, engage, and coexist on a religiously diverse campus. Students gather to celebrate festivals and lunar cycles, share rituals, and learn from each other in a supportive environment.

Zen Meditation and mindfulness opportunities are plentiful on the College of Wooster campus. Students meet weekly with a Zen teaching to engage and deepen practices of meditation and explore mindfulness as a spiritual practice with benefits for one’s overall health and wellness. There are also regular collaborations with the Wellness Center and Peer Health Educators focused on yoga practice, meditation, and mindfulness.

Other student groups that have existed in the recent past or are currently reforming are: Darshan (Hindu student group), Christians in STEM, Wooster Unitarian Universalists, Wooster Quakers, and Queer Spirit (an LGBTQIA+ focused community supportive of all religious expressions).

The Pre-Ministry program is a way for RSL to support any and all students interested in attending seminary, pursuing graduate theological education, or exploring service-oriented vocations after college. In partnership with the Religious Studies department, the Chaplain and RSL team offer guidance, support, and resources to assist with students’ discernment and aspirations. The Pre-Ministry program is open to all students of any background/tradition or area of study, and students are encouraged to attend monthly gatherings for conversation, food, reflection, and opportunities to engage with a variety of “ministry practitioners” in different vocational paths/careers. Funding is available through RSL, thanks to the DeRose Endowment, to support students interested in taking visits to seminaries/divinity/rabbinic schools or graduate religious studies programs as a part of their discernment for life after Wooster.

Westminster Presbyterian Church is the Congregation-in-Residence of The College of Wooster. As a Presbyterian-affiliated college, Wooster maintains close relationships with area PC(USA) faith communities and the Synod of the Covenant. Westminster meets for worship on Sundays at 10 a.m. in The Westminster Church House, located at 353 E. Pine St., directly across from the Admissions Building and Morgan Hall. Students are invited to be active in the congregation as full or associate members, as well as participating in any/all ministries or leadership opportunities. Westminster also sponsors various campus programs in conjunction with Religious & Spiritual Life and the Religious Studies department, such as monthly Vegan Dinners, guest speakers, and service projects in the Wooster community.

Faith Communities and congregations in the Wooster area welcome students to their services and activities in the wider Wooster area. A number of these communities welcome student participation in their choirs or offer employment opportunities with child-care, technology, or other forms of leadership. A directory of area faith communities can be found on the RSL webpage.

For more information, please contact Rev. Erin Guzmán, Director of Religious & Spiritual Life, at 330-263-2558.

Office of Student Engagement

The Office of Student Engagement is the hub for approximately 120 student organizations, fraternity and sorority life, club sports, leadership development, and campus wide programming that contributes to a vibrant campus community at Wooster. Office of Student Engagement serves as an advisor for Wooster Activities Crew (WAC), Scot Council, and Wooster Volunteer Network, as well is also responsible for the College Underground, the on-campus bar, and programming space in the basement of Kittredge Hall.

Student Organizations

Approximately, 120 active student organizations are recognized by Scot Council. These organizations are open to any interested students and provide a variety of activities for students to participate in outside the classroom. Students are strongly encouraged to explore and engage in a variety of different student organizations. They include academic, art and culture, club sports, religious and spiritual, fraternities and sororities, honorary, media, BIPOC and intercultural, gender and sexuality, performance, special interest, and service and civic engagement. Students can check out the clubs each year by attending Scot Spirit Day, the College’s student organization fair. If a student wants to start a new student organization, that is also an option! For more information, please visit the Office of Student Engagement.

Student Publications

The College of Wooster supports a variety of student publications. These publications enrich the cultural life at Wooster and provide students with a range of avenues to engage in the creative and thoughtful expression of ideas. They also offer students hands-on experience in managing, editing, and publishing.

Black & Gold is an undergraduate, multidisciplinary journal committed to showcasing outstanding research and writing of faculty-mentored College of Wooster students.

The Goliard is the College literary and art journal. It is published annually and is staffed by students from all classes.

The Voice is the College weekly newspaper, staffed by students from all classes.

Theatre and Dance

Each year auditions for two faculty directed theatre and two faculty directed dance productions are open to all College of Wooster students regardless of major or year of study. Additional opportunities often include I.S. productions, staged readings of new works, and Directing class projects. Actors and dancers are selected based on their talent/ability and appropriateness for the specific role or dance piece. It is not uncommon for first-year and sophomore students to be cast in major roles or selected for concert pieces alongside upper class students since juniors and seniors are immersed in their Independent Study projects. For more information, please contact the Department Chair.

Greek Life

Fraternities and Sororities have been an integral part of student life at the College of Wooster since 1918, and have provided a sense of support and belonging to a large number of Wooster students. Wooster’s fraternity and sorority life focuses on student leadership development, service within the surrounding community, and provides a sense of connectedness among members. For more information, please consult the Office of Student Engagement.

Wooster Activities Crew (W.A.C.)

The Wooster Activities Crew (W.A.C.) is the student-run campus programming board that creates diverse events for all of campus to enjoy. The group’s purpose is to plan, promote, and produce entertaining and socially engaging events that both provide academic relief and unite the student body. W.A.C. brings innovative, social, and fun events to students both on and off campus, and plans annual events such as Party on the Green, Casino Night, and Springfest.

Wooster Volunteer Network

The Wooster Volunteer Network(WVN) serves as a student organization that coordinates and encourages service in the broader Wooster community and beyond. Opportunities include monthly information and networking meetings, regular weekend service activities, annual off-campus break trips, community partner fair, and more. Students who are interested in creating projects or getting involved in community service are encouraged to join WVN.

Campus Dining and Conference Services

Food is provided to College of Wooster students on a meal plan by the College owned-and-operated Campus Dining and Conference Services department. Students may select the meal plan that best suits their lifestyle and their dining habits. The meal plan choices incorporate a mix of traditional, all-you-care-to-eat meals in Lowry dining hall and Flex Dollars that can be spent like cash to purchase food and drinks at campus food locations.

Meal counts are expressed in number of meals per semester, and are not limited to number of times per day or week they can be used. Neither the unused dining hall meals nor the unused Flex Dollars will roll over from semester to semester or year to year. Students must present their College I.D. card in order to utilize their meal plan. Students approved to live off-campus are welcome to subscribe separately to the meal plan contract. Students may also utilize any balances they may have in their COW Card Debit account for food purchases at Lowry, MacLeod’s, Knowlton Cafe, Mom’s, Old Main Café, Pop’s, and vending machines.

Lowry Center Dining Hall is located on the main floor of Lowry Center and features an all-you-care-to-eat food-court style meal contract service for breakfast, lunch, and dinner daily. Dining hours and menus can be viewed online.

MacLeod’s Coffee Bar and Convenience Store is located in the Lowry Center main lounge and offers freshly brewed Erie Island drip coffee, espresso-based drinks, and a host of convenience store products. Hours of operation can be viewed online.

Mom’s is located on the ground floor of Lowry Center and features ala carte grill foods, cold salads, coffee, fruit smoothies, sandwiches, soups, fountain drinks, and milkshakes. Mom’s accepts cash, COW Card Debit, Credit/Debit Cards, and meal plan Flex Dollars. Hours of operation can be viewed online.

Old Main Café, located on the “Garden Level” of Kauke Hall, provides students, faculty and staff with a relaxing oasis, whether they are seeking a break between classes or a comfortable coffee-house atmosphere. The Old Main Café offers an extensive menu of coffee, featuring Erie Island espresso-based drinks as well as drip coffee, teas, hot chocolate and bottled beverages. Treat yourself to muffins, dessert bars and cheesecakes. Freshly-prepared salads and sandwiches are available daily and include vegan and vegetarian specialties. Cash, COW card, department charges, Credit/Debit cards, and meal plan Flex dollars are accepted as forms of payment. Sorry, we do not accept meal plan swipes.

Pop’s Sub-Stop is located on the ground floor of Lowry Center and offers quick, grab-n-go convenience for lunch, Monday through Friday. Gluten-free and vegan options are availalbe. Cash, COW card, department charges , Credit/Debit cards, meal plan Flex dollars, and meal plan swipes are accepted as forms of payment. Hours of operation can be viewed online.

The Knowlton Café, located in the Ruth W. Williams Hall of Life Science, offers locally roasted Erie Island coffee and espresso-based drinks, bottled beverages as well as muffins, whole fruit smoothies, freshly-prepared salads and sandwiches, and two hot soup options. Gluten-free, vegan and vegetarian options are available. Cash, COW card, personal/department charges and Flex dollars on meal plan are accepted as forms of payment. We also accept credit and debit cards. Sorry, we do not accept meal plan swipes.

Campus Dining and Conference Services can provide Catering services and onlocation catering in any campus building or on the campus grounds at a reasonable cost. The Campus Dining Services Customer Service Office processes all catering requests, and administers all meal plans. The Customer Service Office can answer questions and resolve problems with regards to the meal plan. More information about catering can be viewed online. The Campus Dining Services Customer Service is located on the lower level of Lowry and may be reached by calling 330-263-2358.

Housing and Residence Life

The College of Wooster is a residential college; all students live on campus for their entire College career. Students must be enrolled full-time (three full course credits or more) to reside in College housing. Students must live in College housing unless they are granted off-campus living permission by the Dean of Students or their designee.

When a student’s course registration drops to fewer than three full course credits or a student’s status is changed to “Leave of Absence” or “Withdrawn,” then the student must immediately vacate the College’s residence hall or program house. Written exceptions to this requirement may be granted by the Dean of Students or their designee. Exceptions will be granted only for compelling reasons.

The College reserves the right to remove or relocate students living in College housing when circumstances warrant such action.

A variety of housing options for individuals and groups are available, including coeducational and single-gender floors, and program-oriented halls. Housing options include the Senior Specialized Housing, and Club and Section Housing among many others. All College residence halls and program houses have access to the computer network.

Residence hall rooms vary in size, configuration, and styles of the furnishings. Rooms have a study desk, chair, bed, mattress, dresser, and window shades. Bedding, pillows, rugs, and other equipment are provided by the resident(s). Students provide and care for their own bed linen. Washers and dryers are provided for all College housing.

The College is not responsible for loss or damage to clothing and personal effects in student rooms. Consequently, students are encouraged to carry their own insurance on personal property and to lock their room doors when out of the room.

In addition to living in traditional residence halls, a number of students are housed in program houses located throughout campus. These houses accommodate groups of four to thirty people. Students are required to complete a special application to be considered for residence in these units. Groups living in Wooster Volunteer Network houses participate in volunteer activities that serve the campus and local community. All housing options are administered by the Office of Residence Life.

In each residence hall, Resident Assistants are available for the support of the students in these communities. RAs are second semester first-year, sophomores, juniors, or seniors who are trained to provide guidance, peer advising, and referral to campus services for students. Professional staff also live within the residential community to aid the residents and provide support to our houses.

For new students, a room reservation is made when an applicant has been accepted for admission, paid the enrollment and security deposit, and submitted the appropriate housing materials. New students must maintain a residence in College housing unless they apply for an exception. Housing assignments for new students will be completed and mailed in late July/early August by the Residence Life staff.

College residential facilities are open to students through the entire academic year, with the exception of winter break. Students who do not have special permission to engage in a special College activity (graduation, sporting events, etc.) are asked to vacate their rooms at the close of a semester, no later than twenty-four hours after their last examination. During the second semester, those who are graduating may remain on campus until commencement ceremonies have concluded.

Information on fees may be found in the Catalogue section entitled Expenses. Information on housing may be acquired by calling the Office of Residence Life at 330- 263-2498.

Lowry Center

Lowry Center, the College’s student union, opened in the fall of 1968 as a memorial to Howard Lowry, President of Wooster from 1944 to 1967. In the “Role of the College Union”, the Association of College Unions International states the following:

The union is an integral part of the educational mission of the College. As the center of the college community life, the union complements the academic experience through an extensive variety of cultural, educational, social, and recreational programs. These programs provide the opportunity to balance course work and free time as cooperative factors in education.

Lowry Center provides students with a range of services and contains a variety of multi-purpose areas including the bookstore, mail and package center, information desk, MacLeod’s convenience store, game area, lounges, meeting rooms, student organization collaboration space and storage, the gallery of international flags, dining facilities, and Woo-91 radio station. The newly renovated facility is also a hub for student support. Students can find the offices for the Dean of Students (DoS), Student Engagement, Residence Life, and the Center for Diversity and Inclusion located on the upper level. Also located in the building are offices for the student newspaper, The Voice, Scot Council, and Wooster Activities Crew (WAC).

Campus Safety Department

The Campus Safety Department provides law enforcement-related response, crime prevention education, and security services to the campus community 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The department also works closely with the Wooster Police Department, Wooster Fire Department and other College and City offices to provide such services and resources to the Wooster community. Primary duties include the safety and security of students, grounds and facilities. The department also monitors the College’s 911 system, fire safety systems, and campus access system. The Campus Safety Department is responsible for upholding the College policies found within The Scot’s Key as well as local, state and federal laws.

The office is located on Wayne Ave., just east of the Longbrake Student Wellness Center, and is staffed 24 hours a day. The Department seeks to promote and preserve the security and safety of the College community. Our philosophy is based on the concept that officers and members of the College community work together in creative ways to help solve problems related to crime and fear of crime. Our goal is to have a positive presence here on campus based on mutual understanding and respect. Foot patrols inside buildings and bike patrols around campus are opportunities to become closer to our community. Establishing and maintaining a mutual trust within the College community is used to improve our ability to prevent crime and solve problems. Policy enforcement and intervention activities will be conducted in such a way as to provide a positive learning experience when possible.

The Campus Safety Department also provides numerous services to the campus community including safety escorts, property engraving, residential education programs, fire safety programs, vehicle and bicycle registration, student security patrols, CPR/First-Aid, academic and administrative building safety trainings, and other programs. The Campus Safety Department is also responsible for the enforcement of parking regulations on campus. All vehicles parked on the College of Wooster campus must display a valid permit. Permits can be obtained at the Security office 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For information on parking, visit Requests for services can be made by contacting the Security and Protective Services Department at 330-263-2590. In the event of an emergency, dial 911 or 330-287-3333.

Student Wellness Center

The Longbrake Student Wellness Center (LSWC) provides  health and wellness services for College of Wooster students. The staff consists of physicians contracted  from the Cleveland Clinic Wooster, licensed professional counselors, a certified health educator, an office administrator, and registered nursing staff to maintain 24-hour service during the academic year. Services include; physician appointments, GYN appointments, nurse evaluations, blood draws, medications, EKGs, allergy injections, hydration IVs, counseling appointments, cold care and first aid center, overnight beds, and health Education programs.

Physicians are available to students by appointment Monday through Friday 8:30am to 11:30am at no out of pocket charge. Free and confidential counseling services are available at the Wellness Center. An athletic trainer evaluates non-varsity student athletes at the Wellness Center by appointment. The Student Care Center/ First Aid Center is an educational, self-treatment room within Wellness stocked with free items and information for evaluation and treatment of respiratory infections (colds) with over the counter medications.  The First Aid section is available for treatment of minor injuries, with bandages and anti-bacterial ointments. There is also a Sexual Health Care section with condoms, dental dams, and pregnancy tests. The Cold Care Center/ First Aid Center is accessible 24/7 on a walk in basis at Door D (at the back of the building, facing the parking lot and the Campus Safety Department).

Programing out of the Health Education office includes educational and preventive strategies to help students achieve wellbeing in mind, body, and spirit. The Office of Health Education hosts workshops, classes, tabling, and small group sessions on the following topics: alcohol abuse prevention and safety, mental health promotion, sleep health, nutrition, fitness, sexual wellness, and suicide prevention.

The Wellness Center also provides free 24/7 health and counseling telehealth services through TimelyCare: Telehealth for Scots.  Students create a confidential account using their Wooster email and password at  Students can make scheduled and drop in appointments with licensed medical professionals and mental health professionals in all 50 States.   

The student is required to  have health insurance coverage through a parent or individual plan. Insurance is necessary if  student needs treatment beyond the LSWC.

For more information, please contact the Longbrake Student Wellness Center at 330-263-2319.