Oct 12, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalogue 
2024-2025 Catalogue

Admissions, Expenses, and Financial Aid



Admission to The College of Wooster is open to qualified students regardless of age, gender, race, creed, religion, national origin, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or political affiliation. In determining admission, due consideration is given to many different expressions of a student’s qualities and abilities: scholastic achievements, performance on standardized tests, extracurricular activities, and promise to benefit from and contribute to the intellectual life of the community.

Application Timetable

  Application Due Decisions Announced Candidates’ Reply Date
First Year Candidates      
Early Decision I November 1 November 15 December 1
Early Action November 15 January 15 May 1
Early Decision II January 15 February 1 February 15
Regular Decision February 15* April 1 May 1
Transfer Candidates June 1 for Fall Term
Dec. 1 for Spring Term
Decisions released on a rolling basis.  

* Candidates may apply after this date, but they should understand that priority will be given to those who meet the application deadline.

Application Procedure

  1. Application: The College of Wooster accepts the Common Application (commonapp.org) or the Coalition Application by Scoir (coalitionforcollegeaccess.org). Applicants can submit their materials online by the appropriate deadlines.
  2. High School Transcript: A transcript should be furnished by the secondary school at the time the student submits an application. A final transcript will be required at the end of the senior year, and an interim transcript is recommended and may be requested earlier in the senior year to monitor progress.
  3. School Report: The school report form must be submitted by the applicant to their secondary school counselor, who should send the completed form to The College of Wooster before the application deadline.
  4. Teacher Recommendation: The teacher recommendation form should be given to a teacher who has taught the applicant in a core academic subject within the last two years. The completed form should be returned by the teacher to The College of Wooster before the application deadline.
  5. Entrance Tests: The College of Wooster is test-optional for U.S. students, providing students the opportunity to present application material that accurately reflects their diverse academic talents and potential. Students can submit either the SAT or ACT if they feel their results best represent their academic potential. The Admission Committee makes no assumptions as to why some students choose to submit scores while other don’t. All applicants are given equal consideration in the admission process and are eligible for Wooster’s merit-based scholarships. Test scores will not be used in consideration for merit-based scholarships. Information about the SAT may be obtained through www.collegeboard.com. Information about the ACT may be obtained through www.act.org. Wooster follows a test-flexible admission policy for International Applicants; please see the section on International Student Admission below for more details.
  6. Financial Aid: Over 85% of all students at The College of Wooster receive some form of financial aid. Applicants interested in learning their eligibility for need-based financial aid must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as soon after October 1 as possible at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Additional information on need-based financial aid and merit scholarships may be obtained from the Office of Admissions. International applicants seeking financial assistance - please see the section below for more details.

Students are strongly encouraged to visit the campus and to talk with an admissions representative before making a final college choice. Although not required, a visit permits the candidate to tour the campus, visit classes, speak with an admissions representative during an interview, and meet faculty and students. Visit arrangements should be made at least one week in advance (two weeks for an overnight visit) of the desired date through the Office of Admissions by calling 330-263-2322 or www.wooster.edu/visit.

Admission to the first-year class or to advanced standing is under the direction of the Office of Admissions. The Admissions Committee suggests, as a minimum, the following distribution of entrance units:

English 4
Foreign Language 2
History and Social Science 3
Mathematics 3
Natural Science 3

plus at least one elective from the above categories for a total of sixteen academic units.

Early Decision and Early Action

Early Decision applicants will be asked to sign a statement declaring their intention to enroll at The College of Wooster if admitted. Students applying in the Early Decision process may submit Early Action or Regular Decision applications to other colleges or universities, but those students offered admission to Wooster will be expected to withdraw their applications from other institutions and are not to initiate any new applications.

Early Decision candidates who wish to apply for financial aid should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (www.fafsa.ed.gov). Students who decide that Wooster is their first choice college are encouraged to apply under the College’s Early Decision option.

Early Decision: Candidates must submit all of the application credentials (Early Decision Agreement, the Common Application or the Coalition Application, school report, transcript, recommendations, and optional standardized test results) no later than November 1 for ED I and January 15 for ED II. Early Decision candidates typically will receive one of three responses from the Office of Admissions: an offer of admission, postponement to the Regular Decision pool, or a denial of admission. Admitted students will have until December 1 (ED I) or February 15 (ED II) to pay a non-refundable enrollment deposit of $400.

Early Action: Candidates must submit all of the application credentials (Common Application or the Coalition Application), school report, transcript, recommendations, and optional standardized test results) no later than November 15. The College will mail an admissions decision letter by December 31 to those candidates with completed applications by the for-mentioned deadline. Early Action is a non-binding application, meaning applicants can consider other institutions until the May 1 National Candidates Reply Deadline.

Home-Schooled Students

In addition to the standard application requirements, home-schooled students are required to interview with a Wooster admissions representative, preferably the office’s assigned liaison to home-schooled students. Home-schooled students should also submit detailed course descriptions and/or syllabi for academic work completed through the home-schooling program and two letters of recommendation, including one from a person who has provided academic instruction to the student and at least one from someone outside the student’s home.

Deferred Admission

For a variety of reasons, some students decide to delay their plans to attend Wooster for one semester or year after their secondary school graduation. In such instances it is recommended that these students file their application credentials during their senior year in order to insure an admission decision at that time. Should the student decide to defer admission, they must complete a deferral request form (acquired from the Office of Admissions) preferably by May 1. Keep in mind, to secure a place in the class, the non-refundable enrollment deposit of $400 must be submitted by May 1.

International Student Admission

The College of Wooster has made a commitment to serving the needs of the international student. Students from over seventy countries enrich Wooster’s campus community and comprise sixteen percent of Wooster’s student body.

Foreign Diplomas: The College of Wooster recognizes that successful completion of some foreign diplomas represents academic work beyond the level of the American high school diploma. In accordance with the placement recommendations approved by the NAFSA: Association of International Educators and the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO), students presenting these diplomas may receive up to one year of college credit. The exact number and nature of course credits granted will be determined through conferences with the Registrar and appropriate academic departments after matriculation.

International Advanced Placement Credit: Students who successfully pass Advanced-Level examinations with marks of A or B will automatically receive credit for one elective for subjects that are included in the Wooster curriculum. The credits will be recorded on the transcript and included as part of the elective credit required for a Wooster degree. If the student requests that the credit apply toward major, minor, or distribution requirements, a meeting must be scheduled with appropriate department chairpersons for the purpose of determining placement and competency levels. Placement tests may be used to determine levels of competency. Departments will determine Wooster equivalent courses for credits that are granted for acceptable proficiency scores. Courses that are granted for proficiency scores, if repeated, count only once toward the minimum 32 course credits required for graduation. When necessary, departmental chairpersons will determine which courses in the Wooster curriculum will be entered on the transcript as applicable toward major, minor, or distribution credits.

Students, both domestic and international, who successfully pass the International Baccalaureate Higher-Level Examinations with grades of 5, 6, or 7 will receive one course credit toward graduation in the subjects included in the Wooster curriculum. Students submitting the International Baccalaureate examination results are subject to the same procedures that govern granting of credit for A-Level results.

International Student Transfer Procedures: When possible, students should submit official transfer documents before they arrive on campus. The process of evaluating documents for transfer credit should begin with the Registrar. Where there is doubt about the accreditation status of an institution granting a particular credential, the Registrar will consult with the Director of International Admissions and assist faculty in making the evaluation.

Financial Aid: Financial assistance for American students living overseas is determined just as it is for American students living in the United States.

The College of Wooster has limited funds for international students and is able to offer students only partial financial assistance. International candidates should be able to contribute at least 50% of their annual expenses, not including travel, while studying at The College of Wooster. The College offers a few scholarships that exceed 50% of expenses and awards them based upon academic achievement and financial need. Students who will be applying for an F-1 student visa must submit a Certificate of Finances form, regardless of their interest in applying for financial assistance.

English Language Proficiency: International students must submit one standardized test score.  Scores accepted include ACT, SAT, TOEFL, IELTS, PTE Academic, and Duolingo. Alternatively, students may fulfill the testing requirement by submitting one of the following requirements: IB predicted grades or 3 AP exam scores (at least one score must be in AP English Language or Literature), 3 A Levels, Indian board exams, WAEC, or Korean GED. For those submitting a test score, students may prove their proficiency in English by scoring a minimum of 550 on the paper-based TOEFL or 80 on the internet-based TOEFL (iBT); a 6.0 on the IELTS; a 24 in Reading on the ACT; or a 570 in EMBW on the SAT. 

International Students and the Foreign Language Requirement: International students whose primary language is not English may satisfy the College’s foreign language requirement by achieving an appropriate standardized test score, as noted above or by meeting the College requirement in Writing by placement examination or course work.

International students whose primary language is English but who are proficient in a second language must demonstrate that proficiency either by taking the College’s language placement exam (in the case of languages taught at Wooster) or providing evidence by examination or other manner to the Dean for Curriculum and Academic Engagement. The same conditions apply for American students who have studied or lived in a non-English speaking environment for an extended period.

Transfer Student Admission

Transfer students are welcome to apply for transfer admission at any time before the end of their sophomore year. Students who wish to apply as a transfer student should submit the Common Application (commonapp.org), high school transcript, transcript from each college or university attended, optional ACT and/or SAT scores, and the Transfer College Official’s Report. International Transfer students must also follow the testing policy listed above. If a student was previously admitted to Wooster but attended another institution as a full-time student, they must reapply as a transfer student.

Applicants are required to have official transcripts of record from each institution at which they have studied sent to the Office of Admissions. Courses completed at another accredited institution will be accepted if the grade is C or better, if the cumulative GPA is a 2.500 or better, and if the courses are equivalent to those offered at Wooster. See Transfer Credit Policy (below) for additional information on types of transfer credit and evaluation criteria. The College will accept up to a maximum of 16 Wooster course credit equivalents completed elsewhere and transfer students must complete at least 16 course credits at Wooster to graduate, including four course credits for general education requirements (foreign language, studies in cultural difference, religious perspective, learning across the disciplines), and seven course credits in the major, including Senior Independent Study. Because of the emphasis on writing at Wooster, the writing-intensive requirement must be completed in Wooster’s program. Normally the quantitative reasoning requirement will also be completed in Wooster’s program. Exceptions will be approved by the Dean for Curriculum and Academic Engagement for both the writing requirement and the quantitative reasoning requirement. The First-Year Seminar in Critical Inquiry (see Interdepartmental Courses ) is a requirement for graduation for transfer students who enter with fewer than seven course credits.

Appeal of an Admissions Decision

Any applicant who is denied admission may appeal that decision by filing a written request for review with the Executive Director of Admissions within thirty days of the decision. A committee review of the original credentials and any additional supporting information the applicant wishes to submit will occur, and the applicant will be informed of the results of the review in a timely manner.

The Implications of Admission and Registration

The community on the College campus consists of several constituencies: the students, faculty, administration, and staff employees. Of all of these, the student spends the briefest time on campus. It is helpful, therefore, to have some clarification of the nature of the relationship between the student and the College.

It is understood that in applying for admission to The College of Wooster, each prospective student thereby requests the privilege of pursuing an education here in the type of academic program and social atmosphere offered by the College. By accepting a student for admission, the College agrees that the student should attend for that purpose. This is a contractual relationship between the student and the Board of Trustees.

It is the policy of the College to admit as students only those for whom graduation is a reasonable expectation and who are expected to contribute positively to the College community. However, admission and registration constitute a commitment by the College only for the term for which registration is accepted. It should be emphasized that students are on the campus because they meet qualifications which indicate that there is every expectation that they will graduate. Over the years this expectation has been achieved by a significantly high percentage of students.

Realistically, it is also true that for a wide variety of reasons, some students do not continue at Wooster until they are graduated. The terms under which progress toward a degree may be interrupted should be clear:

  1. The student may withdraw from the College at any time for personal reasons. If withdrawal occurs during a semester, a pro rata rebate may be made in accordance with the policy outlined in the section on Expenses. If a student withdraws from the College without completing the full withdrawal process, he or she will forfeit the enrollment deposit.
  2. It should be noted that the commitment of the College in accepting a student’s registration is for one semester only. The College may refuse subsequent registration on the basis of (a) the student’s failure to make significant progress in course work in a satisfactory manner which continues to lead to the expectation that the student will achieve graduation (for further details see Academic Policies - Academic Standing, Withdrawal, and Readmission ); (b) residency may be terminated for health reasons, which in the determination of the College physician or a member of the College’s professional counseling staff are sufficient to indicate that the student should not be on campus; (c) registration for a subsequent term may be denied by the Provost upon the recommendation of faculty members or deans for sufficient reasons.
  3. Students may be asked by the Provost to terminate registration for financial reasons upon the recommendation of the Vice President for Finance and Business and Treasurer after consultation with the Dean for Curriculum and Academic Engagement and the Dean of Students.
  4. Students may be asked to terminate their enrollment at any time for disciplinary reasons. It should be noted that students may participate as members of agencies which may recommend suspension or dismissal from the College. There is a Judicial System which adjudicates violations of the Code of Academic Integrity and the Code of Social Responsibility. These decisions may also be made by the Deans. It is assumed that entering students and those reregistering are familiar with the various agencies which make decisions involving their stay at The College of Wooster.
  5. A student may be suspended or dismissed at any time from The College of Wooster for reasons which the College deems sufficient. During the course of the semester, each student must demonstrate a good faith effort to attend class and participate in his or her own education. Failure to attend class, disruptive or threatening behavior, and other acts which undermine the educational process or pose a direct threat to the health and safety of self or other members of the campus community can result in dismissal from the College. “Disruptive behavior” is behavior which, in the judgment of the faculty or administrative staff, (i) impedes other students’ opportunity to learn, (ii) directly and significantly interferes with the mission of the College, and/or (iii) violates the Wooster Ethic, Code of Academic Integrity, and/or Code of Social Respon - sibility. Such action may be administered by the Dean of Students, Dean for Curriculum and Academic Engagement, or their designee. Academic and financial ramifications of not completing a semester, as detailed in the Catalogue, will apply in such cases.
  6. In any of these matters relating to the termination of registration, the student may appeal the decision to the President of the College, whose decision shall be final.

Certain other provisions of the student’s relationship to the campus community that may be unique to The College of Wooster are noted:

  1. Although the provision has rarely been applied, it should be noted that if a student who is enrolled in any off-campus program and while in residence at some other place is asked to withdraw from that program by those in charge there, application for readmission to The College of Wooster is required.
  2. It should be noted also that the trustees reserve the right to determine the regulations concerning residency in the residence halls and other facets of the social life of the campus, though the administration of these regulations is delegated to various student, faculty, and administrative agencies, primarily the Campus Council, all of which cooperate in their achievement.
  3. The College reserves the right to enter student rooms at any time, with or without notice, for purposes of inspection, maintenance, repair, and investigation of violations of College rules or regulations.

Students are required to enter into a room and dining service agreement which involves obligations as to payments and adherence to regulations. Exceptions to these contracts are made only with the knowledge and consent of the Deans.

The College of Wooster reserves the right to inform parents of any violation of the College’s alcohol policies. Causes for parental notification include, but are not limited to, excessive intoxication, alcohol poisoning, and receiving more than three alcohol violation notifications within one academic year.

The Scot’s Key is the students’ handbook that sets forth regulations applying to campus life, and it is part of the student-trustee contract, as is this Catalogue. However, the College Catalogue is the official document of academic requirements and regulations.

The student who chooses to attend Wooster indicates by being present and by the signature on the application form, acceptance of personal responsibilities under the Code of Academic Integrity and the Code of Social Responsibility and agrees to abide by and conform to the rules and regulations of The College of Wooster and the obligations imposed by the Codes.

The enrollment deposit of $400 is payable on or before May 1 (with the exception of Early Decision candidates). Two hundred dollars of the enrollment deposit will be used to cover orientation expenses. The balance will be held until graduation or withdrawal from the College in accordance with the policy outlined in the section on Expenses.

For additional information on the admissions process, please contact:

Office of Admissions
The College of Wooster
Wooster, Ohio 44691-2363
E-mail: admissions@wooster.edu


Summary of Expenses for the Year 2024-25

(Fall and Spring Semesters)

Comprehensive Fee $ 76,130
  Tuition and Fees $ 61,640
  Room - Multiple (average) $   7,040
  Meals $   7,450

The Comprehensive Fee includes tuition, room (multiple occupancy), and meals. Additional fees may be assessed to students with course overloads. A detailed list of semester fees may be obtained from the Business Office.

Books, supplies, and other incidental and personal expenses are not included in the comprehensive fee and are estimated to be approximately $2,000 per year. With respect to private music lessons, a fee of $750 is charged for fourteen weekly one-half hour lessons per semester, regardless of whether the lessons are taken for credit or audit. This fee is reduced to $25, however, for: (a) lessons in the primary instrument or voice required of declared music majors in all music degree programs, or (b) lessons required of Music Performance Scholarship winners regardless of class year or major, or (c) lessons covered by a (lesson) scholarship given to the student by the Scot Band or Wooster Symphony Orchestra.

Students participating in off-campus study programs will be assessed an administrative charge of $710. The tuition and other fees for students participating in endorsed off-campus study programs will be equal to the relative components of the Comprehensive Fee, unless the actual program fees are greater.

The Comprehensive Fee includes out-patient and in-patient care in the Longbrake Student Wellness Center, the College student health facility. Provided services are described in the section Student Services - Student Wellness Center. All International students will be automatically enrolled in a health insurance plan and a fee of $2120 for the academic year will be charged to the student account. If the student has their own medical coverage, they may seek a waiver through the Business Office website.

Students are admitted free of charge to most College athletic contests.

Full-time students are permitted to audit one course without charge in any semester. In the case of majors in the Music Department, this course could be a regular course carrying 1.000 credit or a combination of partial credit courses adding up to 1.000 credit, with the exception that a student may not audit any more than one half-hour applied lesson in any given semester.

The Comprehensive Fee may be reduced for a course-load reduction finalized during the first two weeks of a semester. No refunds will be made for a course load reduction finalized after this period. Contact the Business Office for specific details.

Please note that all rates shown are for the academic year 2024-25. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to make changes in the fees and in other charges at any time.

A non-refundable enrollment and security deposit of $400 is required of all incoming students by May 1. Two hundred dollars of the enrollment deposit will be used to cover ARCH orientation expenses. The balance will be held until graduation or withdrawal from the College, following payment of all student account and other fees.

Billing Process and Payment Options

A billing statement for each semester will be mailed about 25 days prior to the August 10th and January 10th semester due dates. For international students, a copy of the bill will be e-mailed to the student’s College of Wooster account.

Any merit scholarship awarded will automatically appear on the semester bill. Students anticipating need-based financial aid must submit all required financial aid documentation to the Financial Aid Office by June 25 to assure the aid will be credited on the fall semester bill. If Financial Aid appears to be missing from your bill, please contact the Financial Aid Office.

Students or anyone on their behalf can make payment of their college bills to the Business Office by check, money order, credit/debit card, e-check, flywire, and wire transfer. In addition, a monthly payment plan is available through Nelnet Campus Commerce.

To make a payment by check, the check should be made payable to The College of Wooster and may be made in person in the Business Office or by mail to:

Business Office
The College of Wooster
1189 Beall Avenue
Wooster, OH 44691

The College of Wooster accepts credit/debit card, e-check payments and international wire transfer payments online. There is a 3.28% service fee applied to credit/debit card payments, and a flat fee of $2.01 for e-checks. Anyone wishing to make a domestic wire transfer payment should contact the Business Office directly for our wire transfer instructions.

The Monthly Payment Plan (administered by Nelnet) allows families to pay fees for the entire academic year in interest-free monthly installments with several plan options. Total academic year expenses should be estimated (and may be later revised) if uncertain at the time of application. For enrollments received by July 31, a $75 non-refundable application fee applies; the fee increases to $125 for applications received by Nelnet after July. If the above payment requirements are not satisfied by the payment due date, a 5% late payment fee, up to $300 maximum, may be assessed once per semester.

Financial Holds

Accounts that are not paid in full by the due date will be subject to a Business Office financial hold being placed onto the account. An account with a financial hold may be subject to the following actions:

  1. Prevent release of transcripts
  2. Withhold diploma upon graduation
  3. Prevent registration for the next semester classes
  4. Suspend college services and privileges (including access to dining halls)
  5. Assign account to a collection agency
  6. Report student as delinquent to a credit bureau

The College has the option to take any or all these actions.

In addition, students who have not paid their account in full by the first day of classes may have their course registration cancelled, and a $200 re-registration fee may be assessed.


Students who are not returning to the College for the subsequent semester are required to contact the Dean of Students Office and make an appointment to meet with the Dean. A student wishing to contemplate future plans or deal with a medical or family situation has the option of requesting a leave of absence for one semester. If a student wishes to take a leave of absence for a semester already in progress, he or she may do so up to the sixth week of the semester without academic penalty. No reduction or remission of fees is allowed by the College for absence, withdrawal, or dismissal unless an official notice of withdrawal is received by the end of the seventh week of a semester, in which case charges will be prorated in accordance with the schedule below.

A student wishing to withdraw from the College, for personal or medical reasons, or to transfer to another academic institution, must meet with a Dean of Students staff member to begin the withdrawal process. In either case, stipulations may be attached to the student’s return to campus if deemed appropriate by the Dean. The withdrawal process contains several steps that must be completed by the student prior to his or her departure from campus. This process will be clearly explained during the appointment.

Schedule of Charges for Withdrawal

1st week of a semester 10% of the full semester’s charge
2nd week of a semester 20% of the full semester’s charge
3rd week of a semester 30% of the full semester’s charge
4th week of a semester 40% of the full semester’s charge
5th week of a semester 50% of the full semester’s charge
6th week of a semester 60% of the full semester’s charge
7th week of a semester 80% of the full semester’s charge

Students receiving financial assistance under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, who withdraw during the first sixty percent of the semester (measured in calendar days); will be subject to a “Return of Title IV Funds” calculation to determine the portion of their federal student aid that must be returned to the federal government. Students who withdraw after the sixty percent point are considered to have “earned” all their federal student aid. The College has adopted this same policy with respect to college-funded aid. State aid reductions may also be required in accordance with each state’s regulations. Consequently, no adjustment to a student’s account will be made until all appropriate financial aid reductions are calculated. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid for additional information about possible loss of aid and for examples of typical calculations.

An optional Comprehensive Fee refund insurance plan is available for insuring the full refund of fees in the event of a student’s early withdrawal from Wooster because of illness. Information concerning this plan is mailed to all parents prior to the beginning of the academic year.

Financial Aid

General Information

The College of Wooster has a long-standing tradition of providing financial assistance to students who might not otherwise be able to afford college and has a broad program of financial aid to assist those who demonstrate a need for such help. Analyzing each aid applicant’s specific circumstances, Wooster will, to the extent permitted by its own financial resources, assist him or her in meeting college costs. The College offers scholarships, grants, loans, and work opportunities to supplement the resources of students and their families. Wooster assumes that education has a high priority in family affairs and that our students will share in implementing this priority.

Endowed scholarship funds were established by generous alumni, parents and friends of the College to provide much-needed financial support to Wooster students. Unless there are specific donor stipulations to the contrary, endowed scholarships awarded to a qualified student replace an equal amount of the institutional merit award or need-based grant the student is already receiving. Without the endowed scholarships, the College would be unable to sustain its generous program of financial aid for eligible Wooster students. They are described in the section of the catalogue entitled Endowed Scholarships.

Need-Based Financial Aid

The Office of Financial Aid awards “need-based” aid to help meet demonstrated need. Financial aid awards to students with demonstrated need may include:

College of Wooster Need-Based Grants
Students demonstrating financial need may be offered institutional grant aid in addition to grants from other sources. The major portion of grant-aid received by Wooster students comes from the College itself.

Federal Pell Grants
Federal Pell Grants are awarded to undergraduate students according to a federal eligibility formula. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the Pell Grant application.

Other Federal Programs
Wooster receives and awards Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants to those who qualify on the basis of extreme need, and the College participates in the Federal Work-Study Program (including community service positions).

Student Employment
Priority for part-time student employment on campus is determined by the Office of Financial Aid. Students seeking part-time jobs should visit the Student Employment Office, located in the Human Resources Center on Wayne Avenue. This office maintains a listing of available work opportunities and coordinates employment on campus. Jobs are usually available in the library and departmental and administrative offices.

Several federal and private loan programs enable students and their parents to borrow money for educational expenses on favorable terms.

To Apply for Need-Based Financial Aid

Applicants for financial aid should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), to determine federal financial aid eligibility, and the supplementary institutional aid application, to determine institutional aid eligibility, as early as possible after October 1 each year. The FAFSA is completed at www.studentaid.gov. Wooster’s institutional aid application may be obtained online and from the Office of Financial Aid. We recommend that prospective students file them by February 15 and continuing students by April 1. International applicants file a special form, available from the Office of Admissions. Review of prospective students’ applications will begin in January. Review of continuing students’ applications begins in April. Financial assistance is awarded for one year at a time (typically for a maximum of eight semesters) and must be applied for each year. All requests to reconsider financial aid should be made in writing to the Office of Financial Aid.

The policy limiting financial aid to eight semesters may be waived for students completing teacher certification requirements in a ninth semester on campus, for participants in a Wooster off-campus study program outside the regular semesters which has received special grant funding apart from the College operating budget, or upon special appeal to the Dean for Curriculum and Academic Engagement.

Assistance received at any time from sources other than The College of Wooster must be reported to the Office of Financial Aid as part of a student’s financial resources.

As a member of National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division III, Wooster does not grant athletic scholarships. Financial aid is available to student athletes on the basis of financial need and academic achievement. The amount of aid awarded is not related to athletic performance or degree of participation.

Students who accept a College of Wooster scholarship or grant agree to room and board in College facilities, unless they live at home or have special permission from the Dean of Students to live or board elsewhere. The College reserves the right to revoke any grant or scholarship in the case of a student who violates the rules of the College.

For further information please contact:

Office of Financial Aid
The College of Wooster
Wooster, Ohio 44691-2363
Telephone: 330-263-2317
FAX: 330-263-2634
E-Mail: financialaid@wooster.edu
Internet: www.wooster.edu/aid/

Presbyterian Church Grants

National Presbyterian College Scholarships

To be eligible, a student must be a high school senior planning to enter one of the colleges related to the Presbyterian Church (USA) and must be a communicant member of the Presbyterian Church (USA). Awards are made by the national office of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The criteria for the award include academic achievement, as evidenced by the student’s secondary school record; academic aptitude, as determined by the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT); personal qualities-leadership in church, school and community; promise of usefulness; character and personality. Scholarship amounts vary where need is demonstrated. More information is available from local church offices or from: Presbyterian Church (USA), Office of Financial Aid for Studies, 100 Witherspoon, Louisville, KY 40202-1396. www.presbyterianmission.org/ministries/financialaid/

Merit Scholarships Awarded to First-Year Students

Merit scholarships are administered by the Office of Admissions and awarded through the Office of Financial Aid. They can be applied only to tuition charges, either at the College or an approved off-campus program. Merit scholarships are renewable for up to four years of study at Wooster and subject to review by the Committee on Academic Standards. Typically a student may hold only one academic merit scholarship from the College (Performing Arts Scholarships and Covenant Scholarships can be awarded in addition to an academic merit scholarship), and may not receive more than $43,000 in merit awards.

The following information regarding scholarships is relevant for the application cycle for students enrolling in the 2024-2025 academic year. Specific details such as scholarship application deadlines, dollar amounts, and minimum criteria are subject to change annually. For up-to-date information, including scholarship deadlines, please contact the Office of Admissions at 1-800-877-9905 or visit www.wooster.edu/scholarships.

College Scholar Awards
College Scholar Awards recognize exceptionally promising students who typically fall among the top 5% of the admitted student pool. Students must complete the application for admission, the online College Scholar application, and interview with an admissions representative by December 1 (for earlier notification) or February 1.

National Merit Scholarships
Wooster participates in the National Merit Scholarship Program. Students named National Merit Finalists by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation are eligible for awards of $2,000 annually. Detailed information regarding application procedures and selection criteria is available from secondary school counselors or on our website.

Performing Arts Scholarships

Music Scholarships
Music scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic achievement and an audition with the Music Department. These scholarships are renewable for four years based on the recommendation of the Music Department.

Theatre and Dance Scholarships
Students with demonstrated interest and experience in theatre and/or dance may audition for scholarships in performance and technical areas. These scholarships are awarded based upon academic achievement and the audition. Awards are renewed on the basis of continued participation in College theatre and dance productions.

Scottish Arts Scholarships
Pipers, dancers, and drummers are eligible to audition for these scholarships which are awarded on the basis of academic achievement and an audition. Awards are renewed on the basis of participation in Scot Band activities. 

Covenant Scholarships
Wooster applicants who are members of the Presbyterian Church (USA) are eligible for this scholarship. Awards are made on the basis of a recommendation by the student’s minister or youth minister and academic achievement. Students must submit their completed application for admission along with the letter of recommendation, postmarked by November 15 (for earlier notification) or January 15.

Dean’s Scholarships
Scholarships are awarded based on overall academic achievement, recommendations, writing ability, and extracurricular activities. Students are automatically considered upon completion of their application for admission.

Alice Powers Scholarships
Students from Trumbull and Mahoning Counties in Ohio may be eligible for scholarships up to $5,000 per year, which are awarded on the basis of academic achievement and extracurricular activities.

*The competitive- and performance-based scholarships are designated only for first-year students and are awarded prior to matriculation adhering to deadlines noted above.