Oct 12, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalogue 
2024-2025 Catalogue

Special Programs and Educational Opportunities


The Center for Entrepreneurship takes a broad view toward the definition and benefits of entrepreneurship that goes beyond starting new ventures to include leadership development and the search for finding solutions to complex problems. The focus is on empowering individuals to make a difference in the world through the creation of an entrepreneurial mindset and skillset. The Center supports both academic courses and connects students to experiential opportunities across northeast Ohio. The Center has offices in APEX. 

Experiential Learning & Community Engagement

To learn experientially is to make meaning out of direct experience.  Wooster expresses experiential learning in a three-tiered model (Exploration, Investigation, and Immersion) incorporating a range of activities including credentialed experiential learning courses and co-curricular experiences, internships, volunteering, field experiences, job shadowing, mentored consulting projects and collaborative research in our local community and around the world. These options provide students with opportunities in which they can employ knowledge, creativity, and judgment to solve real-world problems. Students are expected to link prior knowledge and academic experience to practical situations in a manner which exhibits a high degree of autonomy and responsibility. In addition, effective integration of theory and practice also requires students to utilize a variety of concepts, skills, and problem- solving techniques in an intentional and self-reflective manner. For more information about experiential learning opportunities, please contact Cathy McConnell, Director of Experiential Learning and Community Engagement (cmcconnell@wooster.edu), at 330-263-2301.

Internships for Credit

Internships provide students an opportunity to extend their educational experience by applying their academic studies to a context outside of the classroom, such as a community organization, non-profit organization, business, or government organization. During an internship for credit, students work and learn under the joint oversight of a site supervisor and a College of Wooster mentor. In consultation with a College of Wooster staff or faculty mentor, the student constructs an Internship Learning Plan, consisting of assignments such as a reading list, a reflective writing/discussion exercise, and a summative project. The Internship Learning Plan and the forms for registering for an internship course are available online and are supported by the Associate Dean for Experiential Learning.

The following policies apply to departmental, interdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary internship courses; there may be additional specific departmental requirements.

  • The student must arrange the internship in advance through the appropriate department or program.
  • The student must obtain approval in advance from a College of Wooster mentor, department chairperson (if seeking credit within a department), the faculty adviser, and the Associate Dean for Experiential Learning.
  • No more than six internships, and a maximum of four Wooster course credits, will count toward graduation. (Internships receive variable course credit, 0.25 - 4.00).
  • All internship courses are graded S/NC.
  • During an internship it is permissible for a student to receive both academic credit from the College and payment from the employer or organization.
  • Student may register for summer internships at no-cost through the Summer Internship Series, consisting of a 0-credit summer internship (IDPT-41500) followed by a first-half fall semester seminar (IDPT-41002, 0.25 credits), and requires at least 160 hours in the experience.​
  • Summer internship registrations in formats other than the Summer Internship Series incur tuition charges based upon the number of credits.

Global Engagement/Study Away

Global Engagement is an integral part of Wooster’s liberal arts education.  The Global Engagement Office provides College of Wooster students with the opportunity to participate in compelling off-campus study experiences that are academically challenging, professionally relevant, and personally engaging.  Programs are designed to enable students to enrich their general education, acquire discipline-specific global competencies, acquire foreign language skills, and understand and respect the beliefs and perspectives held by others.  Students can obtain an appreciation for cultural diversity and develop cultural intelligence.  Through reflection, they may also gain clarity about personal values and future goals.

The Global Engagement Office maintains a menu of dynamic, relevant, and rigorous off-campus study experiences showcased online through the “GEO Compass” database (https://apex.wooster.edu/channels/geo).  GEO assists students with identifying the off-campus study program that best meets their academic, personal, and professional needs, with special attention paid to assisting students underrepresented among the U.S. college population with access to off-campus study experiences.  GEO empowers students to design and utilize strategies to maximize learning from off-campus study experiences and encourages students to explore global citizenship as a means of developing cultural intelligence and understanding their place in the world.  The Global Engagement Office also supports faculty in implementing TREK (faculty-led) programs and research and internship opportunities for students.

Please consult the GEO website for more information, including important deadlines and policies, and various offerings of off-campus study.  For more information about off-campus study opportunities, please contact Candace Chenoweth, Director of Global Engagement Office at (geo@wooster.edu) or at 330-263-2074.

Pre-Professional Advising

The College of Wooster provides pre-professional advising programs to support and assist students who want to combine the study of the liberal arts with preparation for a specific profession. Professional schools in a variety of fields, from architecture and business to law and medicine, recognize the value of the range of skills that a liberal arts background provides. Wooster students have excellent success in pursuing advanced degrees in architecture, business, engineering, forestry and environmental studies, health care (e.g., dentistry, medicine, nursing, and veterinary medicine), law, seminary studies, and social work.

The pre-professional advising programs at Wooster provide students with advice on the development of an appropriate academic program, co-curricular and volunteer experiences that expand a student’s understanding of a given profession, guidance on summer research opportunities, lectures by leaders in the various professions, and information regarding the process of applying to graduate/professional schools. In addition to the pre-professional advising programs, the College also has established formal cooperative relationships with several leading universities to offer dual degree programs.

Pre-Architecture Preparation

An undergraduate B.A. degree from a liberal arts college such as Wooster can provide an excellent foundation for graduate training as a professional architect. Since the built environment both shapes and is shaped by society, an architect needs not only the technical training in design and engineering that would be provided by an advanced degree in architecture, but also the broader understanding of history, culture, physical and social sciences, mathematics, and the visual arts that is best attained within the context of a liberal arts education. An architect must think and write critically and be able to articulate their vision-another reason a liberal arts B.A. is good career preparation.

Students planning a career in architecture can major in any discipline while completing a four-year B.A. at The College of Wooster. While fulfilling their major and general education requirements, they should plan to take the following recommended courses as preparation for graduate study in architecture. Although Wooster does not offer a major in architecture or pre-professional coursework, the following recommended courses are standard admission pre-requisites for most graduate architecture programs. Please note: Requirements differ across graduate schools, so students should research and contact specific programs being considered. 

  • *one semester of Calculus
  • *one or two semesters of Physics
  • four or more courses in Studio Art (drawing, design, photography, digital imaging, painting, printmaking, sculpture, digital fabrication, and ceramics). Students can take either four introductory classes in different studio areas, or three introductory studio classes and one upper-level class. 
  • Modern Architecture (ARTH 22300) 

*Most graduate architecture schools require one semester each of calculus and physics; however, some programs require two semesters.

While students take these courses in conjunction with the requirements of any major, many students interested in architecture will major in Studio Art and take additional art history courses. Most architecture graduate curriculums are studio-oriented, and require a visual arts portfolio for admission. The artwork you create in undergraduate studio classes will provide the foundation for that portfolio.

The Pre-Architecture advisor is John Siewert, Department of Art & Art History


The liberal arts provide excellent preparation for a career in business and for graduate study in business-related areas. The communication, decision-making, and analytical skills required at higher levels of corporate management and in small businesses are well served by Wooster’s emphasis on a broad education from a variety of areas. In addition to the specific business courses offered as part of the Business Economics major (Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Management), students are encouraged to consider courses in the languages, mathematics, English, computer science, speech, psychology, and sociology.

For students interested in International Business, there is an integrated course of study that includes language, culture, and business economics components. Students should consult with the pre-business adviser or with the chairpersons of French, German, or Spanish for additional information.

Students who are interested in graduate study in business (M.B.A., D.B.A., or Ph.D.) can select any undergraduate major but are encouraged to include courses in mathematics (calculus or above), statistics (ECON 11000), accounting, and several Business Economics courses at the 200-level in their plan of study.

Students interested in Pre-Business should contact the chair of the Economics department.

Health Professions (Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, and Veterinary Medicine)

A liberal arts education is designed to address the complex scientific, societal, and practical challenges facing modern health care practitioners. Correspondingly, The College of Wooster offers its pre-health students a range of opportunities including: 1) a strong curriculum in the sciences that emphasizes undergraduate research; 2) courses in the social sciences and humanities that address ethical, economic, and social issues in health care; 3) practical programs that focus on themes such as how to plan for a career in health care and how to apply to medical and other professional schools; 4) job shadowing at local facilities; and 5) lectures by physicians and other health care professionals.

The Pre-Health Advising Committee is composed of faculty from multiple disciplines in addition to the Health Professions Advisor in APEX. This integrated approach to advising reflects the multifaceted nature of health care as well as the recommendation of the American Association of Medical Colleges that undergraduates take a balanced distribution of courses across many different disciplines. Wooster offers several courses in the social sciences and humanities that address current issues in health care. Research and clinical experience are strongly encouraged for students pursuing a career in medicine, and Wooster students are provided with excellent opportunities for undergraduate research through the College’s Independent Study and summer research programs. The Pre-Health Advising Committee assists students in choosing the most appropriate courses, informs them about the range of health career options, and conducts workshops on preparing for the application process. Students can also gain firsthand experience through the Health Coach program through Wooster Community Hospital in addition to several other volunteer and job shadowing opportunities.

While most students enter professional school after completing four years of undergraduate education, some have taken advantage of Wooster’s dual degree programs. In medicine and dentistry, the dual degree option applies to any accredited medical or dental school that admits students with three years of pre-medical preparation. With approval of the in absentia privilege, the Bachelor of Arts degree is granted upon the successful completion of the first year of the professional program. The College has established a Seven-Year Pre-Dental/Dental Program in which students spend three years of undergraduate work at the College of Wooster followed by four years at Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine. Students who have been accepted to Wooster but have not yet started their first year may apply to this program if they notify the Office of Admissions of their intent. Provided that they meet certain guidelines, participants in this program will have guaranteed placement in the School of Dental Medicine upon completion of their junior year. 

For further information contact Seth Kelly, chairperson of the Pre-Health Advising Committee or Jamie Adler, Health Professions Advisor.


The Pathways program at the College of Wooster offers students a flexibly structured approach to career exploration, tailored to their path of interest, whether closely related to and/or complimenting their major or as a completely separate area of career exploration. Students are able to significantly explore a career path without the level of commitment necessary for a major or minor by completing a Pathway. Requirements vary slightly between different Pathways, but may include:

  • 3-4 related courses
  • 45+ hours of authentic career experiences such as internships or volunteer work (“experiential learning”)
  • Guided self-reflection and career planning
  • Professional development through Pathways events and other resources

Participation in the Pathways program offers additional benefits including:

  • Networking with Pathways peers, faculty, staff, and alumni
  • Enhanced applications for graduate school and employment
  • Clarification of career and graduate school goals
  • Guidance in developing insight into the alignment of career goals with personal skills, interests, values, and workplace preferences.

Currently, the College of Wooster offers the following Pathways:

  • Activism and Social Change
  • Digital and Visual Storytelling
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Environmental Communication and Action
  • Global Impacts (which is closely aligned with the Peace Corps Prep program)
  • Museum and Archival Studies
  • Public Health

Find more information on the website - https://apex.wooster.edu/channels/pathways/ - or by contacting the Pathways Program Coordinator, Becky Webb, at rwebb@wooster.edu.

Peace Corps Prep

Peace Corps Prep is a unique partnership between The College of Wooster and the Peace Corps. Students in this advising and mentoring program work with skilled faculty and staff advisors as they reflect on educational and career goals and begin building experiences and skill sets that prepare them for international work, particularly in the developing world. This advising program is inherently flexible to enhance the educational experiences of students in many different disciplines. It can be excellent preparation and advantageous for students hoping to serve in the Peace Corps, but there is no expectation that students will go on to apply to the Peace Corps. This program seeks more broadly to help students develop international understanding, foreign language abilities, intercultural competencies, and practical skills and experiences appropriate for development work. Students also cultivate their commitment to service.

Program requirements:

  • Intermediate (or higher) level in a non-English language
  • Coursework
    • one course developing intercultural understanding and competency
    • three courses developing skills in the chosen work sector: education, health, environment, agriculture, youth in development, or community economic development.
  • Experiences
    • Study abroad in a developing country
    • 50+ volunteer hours in the chosen work sector
    • A significant leadership experience
  • Career preparation (including the development of resume and interview skills)

The Global Impacts Pathway is modeled after and closely aligned with the Peace Corps Prep program- in most cases, students will complete both programs concurrently. Although international citizens may not serve in the Peace Corps itself, international students are welcome to participate in the Peace Corps Prep program. Completing the Peace Corps Prep program does not guarantee admittance into the Peace Corps (though Wooster and PCP grads have had great success so far!).

Adviser: Becky Webb, Pathways Program Coordinator and APEX Administrative Coordinator


The College of Wooster has a network of Pre-Law advisers committed to assisting students in constructing an appropriate academic program, selecting and applying to law schools, and examining career opportunities in law. The Pre-Law Advising Committee includes both faculty members with interest and experience in law and attorneys in private practice, as well as community and staff members with legal backgrounds. In addition to a network of advisers, Wooster offers a diversified, demanding, and traditional liberal arts curriculum which is most effective in developing the necessary skills to be successful in law school and the legal profession.

Law schools and the American Bar Association point out that there is no correlation between academic major and success in law school. Extremely successful legal careers have been launched by Wooster graduates from a wide variety of academic majors, ranging from history, philosophy, and political science to communication, biology, and economics. Wooster graduates have pursued law degrees at a wide variety of institutions, including Harvard University, Columbia University, Georgetown University, University of Virginia, Ohio State University, Case Western Reserve University, University of Michigan, University of Chicago, Northwestern University, and Stanford University. Wooster graduates have gone on to distinguished and successful careers in the judiciary, private practice, corporate counsel, government, academic administration, and public interest work.

The Pre-Law Advising Program provides various sessions that focus upon practical advice for students preparing for law school and a legal career, including such themes as “Considering Law School,” “Applying to Law School,” and “Choosing a Legal Career.” The Program also aids students in their preparation for the LSAT by offering a Mock LSAT on campus.

In addition, the Pre-Law Advising Program sponsors co-curricular programs that expand students’ understanding of law and provide exposure to the legal profession. Wooster has an active Moot Court Program. One of the unique features of the College’s Moot Court Program is that students are guided in their preparation not only by Wooster faculty but also by local attorneys and judges. The Pre-Law Advising Program sponsors “The Bell Lectureship in Law,” an annual lectureship endowed by Jennie M. Bell and Federal Judge Samuel H. Bell (‘47). The purpose of the Bell Lectureship is to engage students, faculty, members of the legal profession, and members of the community in a legal issue that has broad implications for society.

For further information, please consult the Pre-Law Advising Website.

Pre-Ministry Studies

In today’s multi-faith and complex world, the process of discerning a call to ministry takes a village. Ministry takes many forms, and the pre-ministry community has included persons considering non-profit management, parish ministry, social world, chaplaincy, or Ph.D. study. The curricular program at The College of Wooster provides for a course of study that serves the educational needs of those students interested in seminary or graduate study in religion as preparation for religious vocations or other service-oriented professions related to religion and religious vocations. The Association of Theological Schools recommends a broad liberal arts program that includes courses across the liberal arts, with a particular focus in the humanities and social sciences. Courses in religious studies, which may result in a major or minor, are strongly urged for those interested in exposure to religious studies prior to seminary or graduate school. The Department of Religious Studies and the Department of Classical Studies, in addition to regular offerings, provide courses in the languages (Classical Greek, Latin, Biblical Hebrew) crucial for seminary education. Off-campus credit programs wherein students can gain experience in religious and religion-related fields are among the offerings of the Department of Religious Studies. Representatives from seminary and graduate schools of religion visit the campus frequently.

Students considering ministry are invited to meet with Dr. Chan Sok Park or Chaplain Erin Guzmán to learn about resources available for visiting seminaries or divinity schools, and tips for exploring a vocation for professional ministry.

Dual Degree Programs

The College provides students with the opportunity to pursue a liberal arts degree from Wooster in conjunction with a graduate/professional degree from several leading universities. Graduate or professional programs in dentistry, nursing, engineering, social work, and forestry and environmental studies are examples of eligible programs that may be approved. Specific requirements for some of these programs are provided below. The Dean for Curriculum and Academic Engagement will exercise judgment as to which graduate and professional programs are consistent with a baccalaureate degree and will set conditions for awarding the degree.

Students who intend to pursue dual degrees may complete the senior year in absentia and upon the completion of two terms (usually 6.0 - 8.0 Wooster credits, with grades of C or better) of the graduate/professional program receive the baccalaureate degree. A candidate for the in absentia privilege should petition to the Dean for Curriculum and Academic Engagement by the end of the second semester of the sophomore year and must receive the recommendation of the major department. Wooster does not offer financial aid for the senior year in absentia.

The general conditions under which approval of participation in a combined program is granted are as follow:

  • The student must have completed at least 24 semester courses (including Junior Independent Study or its equivalent) of which not fewer than 16 courses have been completed at Wooster. No more than two transfer courses may be offered, if approved, in fulfillment of degree requirements for participation in a Combined Professional Program.
  • All other requirements of the College for the degree of Bachelor of Arts must have been met (both liberal arts core and any minor requirements), except in the major and in Senior Independent Study. In the major, the student must have successfully completed a sufficient number of courses so as to complete the major in a final year, if necessary, without a course overload. Students enrolled in the 3-2, 3-3, or 3-4 programs may declare a major in only one department.

Pre-Engineering 3-2 Programs (B.A./B.S.)

  • Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
  • Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri

Forestry and Environmental Management 3-2 (B.A./M.F or MEM)

  • Duke University, Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences, Durham, North Carolina

Nursing 3-2 (B.A./MN)

  • Case Western Reserve University, Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing, Cleveland, Ohio

Pre-Dental/Dental Program 3-4 (B.A./DMD)

  • Case Western Reserve University, School of Dental Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio

Social Work 3-2 (B.A./MSW)

  • Case Western Reserve University Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Cleveland, Ohio

Summer Academic Programs

In 2025, the academic calendar for Summer Session is from May 20 to August 16. During the Summer Session, students may arrange for additional courses, such as tutorials, internships, off-campus programs, or Independent Study, with the approval of the Dean for Curriculum and Academic Engagement.

The Global Engagement Office advises students on summer off-campus study opportunities including faculty-led (TREK) programs in both domestic and international locations.  For further information about “TREK” programs, please contact Candace Chenoweth, Director, Global Engagement Office (geo@wooster.edu), at 330-263-2074.