Jun 03, 2024  
2018-2019 Catalogue 
2018-2019 Catalogue [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course Numbering

The College of Wooster uses a five-digit course numbering system. The first three digits indicate the primary course number. The next two digits are the secondary course number and indicate whether there is a special focus for the course. For example:

The first letters are the department or program abbreviation. The next three digits are the primary course number (101 is the primary course number for all Introduction to Historial Study courses). The last two digits are the secondary course number. These two digits indicate that the special focus for this HIST 101 course is The History of Islam. A course with a given three-digit primary course number can only be taken once for credit unless specifically indicated otherwise by the department.

The following policy has been used in assigning primary course numbers:

  • 100-level courses are usually introductory courses; some 100-level courses do have prerequisites, and students are advised to consult the description for each course.
  • 200-level courses are usually beyond the introductory level, although many 200-level courses are open to first-year students and to majors and non-majors.
  • 300-level courses are seminars and courses primarily for majors but open to other students with the consent of the instructor.
  • The following numbers are for Independent Study: I.S. 40100 (Junior Independent Study), I.S. 45100 and I.S. 45200 (Senior Independent Study).

In addition to the regular course offerings, many departments offer individual tutorials under the number 40000 and internships under 41000. On occasion, departments will offer a course on a special topic as approved by the Educational Policy Committee, designated 19900, 29900, or 39900.


In keeping with the general education requirements of the College’s curriculum
(see Degree Requirements ), course listings employ the following abbreviations:

W Writing Intensive 

C Studies in Cultural Difference

R Religious Perspectives

Q Quantitative Reasoning

AH Learning Across the Disciplines: Arts and Humanities

HSS Learning Across the Disciplines: History and Social Sciences 

MNS Learning Across the Disciplines: Mathematical and Natural Sciences

Except where otherwise noted, all courses carry one course credit.



  • ENGL 22001 - Shakespeare (Before 1800)

    Course Credit: 1
    SHAKESPEARE (Before 1800) This class considers the following questions: How did Shakespeare’s plays come out of the literary, cultural, and political ideas and controversies of his time? How did his plays change and develop over his twenty-year period of writing? How did the major genres he wrote in-Comedy, History, Tragedy, and Romance-reflect his explorations of issues in gender, race and aesthetics? [AH]
  • ENGL 22011 - James Baldwin & Toni Morrison

    Course Credit: 1
    James Baldwin and Toni Morrison James Baldwin and Toni Morrison are certainly two of the most significant authors of the 20th century. This course allows an intense study of their major works, including novels, theatre, short stories, essays, and literary critics’ responses to them all. We’ll explore answers to questions such as the following: What constitutes African American community, as well as larger U.S. and global communities? How are race, class, gender, and sexuality intersecting in our selected texts? In what ways are Baldwin and Morrison using jazz and the blues, critiquing whiteness, and otherwise unraveling societal politics? How are Baldwin and Morrison speaking to or against one another? Texts may include Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time; If Beale Street Could Talk; Just Above My Head; Tell Me How Long the Train’s Been Gone; or, Giovanni’s Room, among others, and, Morrison’s Love; Beloved; Playing in the Dark; Tar Baby; or, Song of Solomon, among others. Interviews and documentary films will be analyzed, and some visual art may be considered. [AH]
  • ENGL 22013 - Chaucer

    Course Credit: 1
    Chaucer While we will focus primarily on The Canterbury Tales, we will also examine a number of cultural documents from the period. Our purpose will be to reconstruct a portrait of the poet and his milieu that will enable us to come to terms with the work which has more or less constituted Chaucer’s legacy. In evaluating this legacy we will consider whether (in the absence of an authorized text) we can talk in terms of a single text of The Canterbury Tales, or whether we should see the extant versions of the work as a multitude of texts which responded to various socio-historical and textual pressures even as they shaped the culture which produced them. [Before 1800] [AH]
  • ENGL 23002 - Survey of African-American Literature

    Course Credit: 1
    (AFST, CMLT)
    SURVEY OF AFRICAN AMERICAN LITERATURE This course is a historical study of the development and change of black themes and consciousness as manifested in poetry, fiction, autobiography, and essays, and of their correspondence with the literature produced by other ethnic groups in America. [AH]
  • ENGL 23007 - 19th Century British Literature

    Course Credit: 1
    The Way We Live Now: Nineteenth-Century British Literature With its anxieties about shifting views of gender, race, and class and its failing imperial adventures, British culture of the nineteenth century uncannily resembles Anglo-American culture of the twenty-first. The nineteenth century ushered in an age of transformation; people struggled to absorb astonishing scientific and technological change, terrifying though exhilarating social experiments, and rapid globalization. This course will focus on four of the central transitions of the nineteenth century - industrialization, escalating class conflicts, shifting views of gender, and the growth of Empire - and explore some of the major authors of the period, including Dorothy and William Wordsworth, John Keats, Emily Brontë, Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Browning, Wilkie Collins, George Eliot, and Joseph Conrad. [Before 1900] [AH]
  • ENGL 23012 - Poetry Since World War II

    Course Credit: 1
    POETRY SINCE WORLD WAR II During his acceptance speech for the 1970 National Book Award for Poetry, Robert Lowell characterized the state of American poetry as involving a schism between the raw and the cooked, a division between poets (and readers of poetry) who expected new poetry to follow the fixed forms of the past, and those who thought this new poetry should be free. A major focus of this course on American, British and other English-speaking poetries in the years after World War II will be to consider this tension, looking at the early fractures between the New Critics and the Beats, the rise of organic verse in the 1960s, the Neo-formalist poetry of the 1980s, and the rise of rap-connected poetry in the 1990s. We will also explore how these spats within poetry might reflect wider cultural dynamics, be they ones influenced by the Cold War, by mass media, or by changing perspectives on what constitutes artistic tradition and authority. We will also explore the boundaries of the genre, looking at prose-poetry, spoken word poetry, song and rap lyrics as well as the presence of poetry in advertising and film. [AH]
  • ENGL 23029 - American Literature to 1865

    Course Credit: 1
    American Literature to 1865 This course surveys American literature through the Civil War. Readings span a range of genres and cover the major movements that shaped U.S. literary history: the culture of colonial settlers, Puritan and evangelical religiosity, Enlightenment epistemology, the Haitian and American revolutions, nationalism, reformist literature, the rise of the black public intellectual, and Transcendentalism. [Before 1900] [AH]
  • ENGL 23041 - Modernist Literatures

    Course Credit: 1
    Modernist Literatures This course addresses the history of prose fiction and poetry roughly at the point at which the novel and poetics start to become a self-conscious and problematic literary form. We begin with an overview of the literary philosophies with which and against which modernist writers worked (Romanticism, Social Realism, Naturalism) and then proceed to more radical and complex formal experiments of great high modernists, such as Joyce, Woolf, Elliot, Pound, Stein, Stevens, Hemingway, Toomer, Hesse, and others. We consider the question of what is now called postmodernism, particularly through reading excerpts from Joyce’s Ulysses, and in important recent theorizing about problems of narrative and representation. Throughout, the course pays close attention to the social and political meanings of both experimental narrative techniques and theories of fiction, exploring the multi- and transnational aspects of this movement alongside other modernist endeavors such as painting, drama, and photography. [AH]
  • ENGL 23042 - British Literature to 1800

    Course Credit: 1
    British Literature to 1800 The course introduces students to British literature from its beginnings (Caedmon’s Hymn, Beowulf) to the late eighteenth century. Proceeding chronologically, units of the course will cover the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the 17th century (sometimes overlooked in English literary history and periodization), and the Enlightenment. Students can expect to leave the class with deeper understandings of each period’s characteristic styles and genres and of historical contexts shaping literary production, such as the rise of colonialism and the English Civil War. Providing a foundation for further reading, this course is ideal for both majors and non-majors who wish to learn more about the early periods of British literary history and their enduring influence on global literatures. [Before 1800] [AH] [AH]
  • ENGL 23043 - Noir

    Course Credit: 1
    (CMLT, FILM)
    NOIR Experience has taught me never to trust a policeman. Just when you think one’s all right, he turns legit. This comment, from the film Asphalt Jungle, encapsulates the cynicism and moral decay inherent in the sub-genre called film noir. Viewing films from the 1940s and 50s such as Double Indemnity, The Blue Dahlia, Out of the Past, and Leave Her to Heaven, we’ll explore the dark worlds of cinematic noir. We’ll interrogate the origins of the stylish sub-genre, and we’ll investigate how and why classic noir was adapted by Hollywood to produce films like Chinatown, Blade Runner, Blood Simple and Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. [AH]
  • ENGL 23044 - The Novel & Its Secrets

    Course Credit: 1
    THE NOVEL & ITS SECRETS. The novel abounds with secrets. Blackmail plots, illicit love affairs, and stolen inheritances. In this course we will peek into the guilty heart of the nineteenth century, learn about the formation of the modern concept of privacy, and discuss how suspense, misdirection and revelation shape the unfolding of narrative. We will read detective stories, ghost stories, and spy novels, but we will also examine how even the realist novel collects, encodes, and circulates information–novels like Austen’s Mansfield Park, Dickens’s Great Expectations; and Charlotte Brontë’s Villette. [Before 1900] [AH]
  • ENGL 23048 - Global Media

    Course Credit: 1
    GLOBAL MEDIA This course examines the role film, television, and digital media play in our globalized culture. We will think of global media in three ways: texts that move across national borders, audiences for these texts, and industries that produce these texts. Our goals are to interrogate the origins of global media and the influence technologies like the internet have had, and to develop frameworks for analyzing and understanding this media. [AH]
  • ENGL 23049 - Procedurals

    Course Credit: 1
    Procedurals American and British popular culture is saturated with procedurals: stories that focus on the process of solving a criminal case, usually though not always a murder, and revealing its secrets. These procedurals may appear in serial form, as did many early mystery novels, but our idea of the murder mystery is deeply linked to the novel form. In this course, we will discuss the history and development of the procedural, including both police procedurals and stories featuring independent investigators. We will read many variations on this form from its 19th-century antecedents to contemporary novels, and will also address adaptations (The Killing, Gracepoint, etc.), cultural appropriation, and creative responses to popular procedurals (paintings of Law & Order characters, novellas that foreground the strangeness of the subgenre). We will aim to investigate, ourselves, what makes this form so popular and what cultural purposes its continual variations suit. [AH]
  • ENGL 24003 - The Odyssey of James Joyce’s Ulysses

    Course Credit: 1
    THE ODYSSEY OF JAMES JOYCE’S ULYSSES This course explores the formation of James Joyce’s Ulysses, focusing on Joyce’s composing process, identifying and analyzing historical, cultural, social, literary, and personal contexts that he used in his artistic decision-making processes. Students will read the entirety of Ulysses as well as related secondary and primary sources and excerpts from Finnegans Wake. [AH]
  • ENGL 24017 - The American Film

    Course Credit: 1
    (CMLT, FILM)
    THE AMERICAN FILM The course samples the range of American film history from the silent film to the rise of Hollywood to postmodern and independent filmmaking. The course introduces basic strategies for the interpretation of visual style, narrative, and ideological coding in the cinema and is organized around the study of such genres and concepts as comedy, the musical, the western, the hard-boiled detective, film noir, the auteur, and the reflexive film. Students should be prepared to attend evening screenings each week. [AH]
  • ENGL 24018 - Fidelity and Betrayal

    Course Credit: 1
    FIDELITY AND BETRAYAL - NINETEENTH-CENTURY BRITISH NOVEL ON FILM In this course, we will investigate both 19th century fictions and their contemporary film adaptations, debating the cultural work performed by both genres: what purposes did these novels serve for their first readers, what drives our own culture’s obsession with an imagined Victorian past, and how do discourses of nostalgia and of fidelity to the original shape adaptations of canonical novels? Readings will include 5-6 novels by authors like Jane Austen, Emily Bronte, Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, Lewis Carroll, William Thackeray and Bram Stoker, as well as literary and film theory; students should also be prepared to attend 8-10 evening screenings.[Before 1900] [AH]
  • ENGL 24019 - The Living and the Dead in Medieval Lit.

    Course Credit: 1
    THE LIVING AND THE DEAD IN MEDIEVAL LITERATURE Medieval beliefs in the afterlife were diverse and dynamic. Uncertainty about the nature of what came after death is reflected in the written output of the period. In this course, we will look not only at major literary works like Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Poor Heinrich, but also at chronicles in which zombies and priests meet in churchyards, and tales in which the dead haunt and revisit the living. [Before 1800]. [AH]
  • ENGL 24027 - Mimic Forms in 18th Century Literature

    Course Credit: 1
    MIMIC FORMS: IMITATIVE LITERATURE IN THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY In the eighteenth century, it was common for writers to compose literature by imitating or mocking the forms of other works, including ancient as well as recent models. For instance, Pope’s Rape of the Lock adapts conventions of epic poetry; Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels poses as an authentic travelogue; and Fielding’s Shamela parodies Richardson’s epistolary novel Pamela. Are such mimic works inauthentic, derivative, or otherwise inferior to their originals, or might it be possible to understand mimicry as an innovative mode of literary production? In addition to exploring such questions in class discussions and analytical essays, you will also deepen your understanding of imitative literature by composing your own creative piece mimicking the form of another work. [Before 1800] [AH]
  • ENGL 26100 - Advanced Fiction Writing

    Course Credit: 1
    ADVANCED WRITING IN FICTIONAL FORMS Analysis, discussion, and practice of writing in one or more fictional forms, such as short stories, poems, or plays. Courses explore the aims and conventions of the specified written discourse and emphasize participants’ writing. May be repeated for credit as offerings vary. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): ENGL-16100; Or permission of instructor [AH]
  • ENGL 26102 - Advanced Writing in Fictional Forms

    Course Credit: 1
    ADVANCED FICTION WRITING: THE STORY CYCLE This course focuses on studying collections of linked short stories. Participants analyze several complete story cycles and discuss the techniques authors use to connect the stories in each collection in order to create cohesive book-length narratives. The emphasis during the first half of the semester is on studying published story collections. The class then shifts into writing and workshopping during the second half of the semester. As a class, students write and revise one complete story cycle, with each student contributing one story to the collection. Prerequisite(s): ENGL-16100; Or permission of instructor [AH]
  • ENGL 26103 - Advanced Poetry Writing

    Course Credit: 1
    ADVANCED POETRY WRITING This course looks at a number of different contemporary poets and approaches to poetry, including writing in various fixed as well as open forms. Students explore (and experiment with in their own poetry) a number of traditional and contemporary techniques as well as consider prose-poetry, spoken word poetry, and other artistic threads prominent in the contemporary poetry landscape. Along with the reading of published works of poetry, students explore aspects of craft and style in their own writing as well as provide constructive feedback for their fellow writers in weekly workshops. Prerequisite(s): ENGL-16100; Or permission of instructor [AH]
  • ENGL 26107 - Advanced Writing in Fictional Forms

    Course Credit: 1
    Advanced Writing in Fictional Forms: Short Forms In this workshop students will do advanced work in the short story form. In addition to considering aspects of style, voice, thematic development, and craft-based elements, students will also be encouraged to experiment, and try a range of narrative strategies. Four widely recognized and influential contemporary short story collections–Jhumpa Lahiri’s Interpreter of Maladies, Junot Diaz’s Drown, Denis Johnson’s Jesus’ Son and Mary Gaitskill’s Bad Behavior–will provide reference points for discussing literary craft, as well as inspiration for writing exercises and longer story assignments. Prerequisite(s): ENGL-16100; Or permission of instructor [AH]
  • ENGL 26108 - Adv Fictional Wrtg: the New Short Story

    Course Credit: 1
    ADVANCED FICTION WRITING: THE NEW SHORT STORY The landscape of contemporary fiction is vital, and constantly changing. This course will focus exclusively on short fiction published within the last few years (two of the course texts will be released in early 2017), discussing in detail the specific ways in which these works impact and enlarge literary form, and influence our perception of ourselves and our socio-cultural moment. Students will be encouraged to participate in the evolution of the form by applying these narrative techniques and strategies to their own short fiction, which will then be discussed in formal workshops. Course texts may include What Is Not Yours Is Not Yours-Helen Oyoyemi, Vertical Motion-Can Xue, A Manual for Cleaning Women-Lucia Berlin, Homesick for Another World-Ottessa Moshfegh, Counternarratives-John Keene, Wait Til You See Me Dance-Deb Olin Unferth Prerequisite(s): ENGL-16100; Or permission of instructor [AH]
  • ENGL 26109 - Advanced Writing: Poetry & Prose-Poetry

    Course Credit: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGL-16100; Or permission of instructor [AH]
  • ENGL 26110 - Advanced Short Story Writing

    Course Credit: 1
    Prerequisite(s): ENGL-16100; Or permission of instructor [AH]
  • ENGL 26111 - Adv Memoir & Creative Non-Fiction Wrtg

    Course Credit: 1
    ADVANCED MEMOIR & CREATIVE NON-FICTION: NATURE & ENVIRONMENTAL WRITING  This class will explore what can be found in creative writing when we lose ourselves in the wilderness of imagination and nature. Students will read stories that track beasts, chase myths, and challenge the limits of survival in search of answers, while journeying into the wild with their own creative work. This class will also consider the role and responsibility of nature writing in the midst of environmental decline and climate change. Students will share writing in a workshop setting, with the goal of generating several new pieces during the semester. Prerequisite(s): ENGL-16100; Or permission of instructor [AH]
  • ENGL 26112 - Advanced Poetry Writing: Looking Outward

    Course Credit: 1
    Advanced Poetry Writing: Looking Outward In this advanced poetry workshop, students will read and write poems that reckon with the larger world through poetic investigations of historical and contemporary concerns and events. Students will abandon the inward gaze by incorporating research, facts, documents, politics, and history into their poems. During the semester, students will read several exemplary poetry collections and create original work with writing prompts and exercises. Students will workshop original poems and provide constructive criticism, with the goal of generating several new pieces during the semester. Course texts include The Art of Daring by Carl Phillips, Holey Moley Carry Me by Erika Meitner, Wade in the Water by Tracy K. Smith, Whereas by Layli LongSoldier, Sycamore by Kathy Fagan, and poems by C.D. Wright, Camille Dungy, Phil Metres, and Claudia Rankine. Prerequisite(s): ENGL-16100; Or permission of instructor [AH]
  • ENGL 26113 - Writing the Novella

    Course Credit: 1
    Writing the Novella In this creative writing course students will work on building and completing their own original novella-length works, while studying numerous examples of the contemporary novella to see what makes it tick. Special attention will be given to novellas that use unconventional approaches to content and structure, including cross-genre and hybrid works that are lyrical, formally experimental, or incorporate graphics. Authors studied will include Anne Carson, Justin Torres, Ottessa Moshfegh, Michael Ondaatje, Sandra Cisneros, Max Porter, Claudia Rankine, and Italo Calvino. [AH]
  • ENGL 27001 - The Politics of Language

    Course Credit: 1
    THE POLITICS OF LANGUAGE How do grammar and language norms reflect social, racial and national identities? How and why are some forms of English privileged over others? How do speakers and writers use language to delineate social and political groups? This course will seek to answer these questions by examining the connections between language, power, identity and culture. [AH]
  • ENGL 27003 - Writing Tutoring Methods

    Course Credit: 1
    TUTORING METHODS This course introduces students to the theory and practice of one-to-one composition instruction. Students explore theories from psychology, sociology, and English studies. Students also learn about the history of peer instruction and its place in a composition program. [AH]
  • ENGL 29901 - Serials and Social Justice/ Digital Age

    Course Credit: 1
    SERIALS AND SOCIAL JUSTICE IN THE DIGITAL AGE This team-taught writing seminar will begin by surveying serial storytelling techniques as well as the history of the form, beginning with Dickens’s nineteenth-century novels and moving through the wide range of media-art, comics, film, television, podcasts, twitter and so on-that have adopted and adapted the serial form. What functions do serials serve for consumers? For producers? How are plots configured to extend across time while meeting the (perceived) needs of diverse audiences? How does the genre, and the ways in which it is constructed, represent social diversity and engage with questions of social justice? Students will develop a critical vocabulary to assess the serial genre while analyzing the economic and cultural issues surrounding serial production and consumption. In the last half of the course, students will apply their learning by writing and producing a serial narrative of their own. [AH, C]
  • ENGL 29902 - Networked Lives, Networked Bodies

    Course Credit: 1
    ENGL/COMM-29902: Networked Lives, Networked Bodies The course will provide a survey of theories of cultural and media studies from the mid-nineteenth century through the twenty-first, in tandem with a survey of the rise of the mass media. Focusing on the direct impact of media technologies on human ways of knowing, the course aims to help students-often typecast as digital natives-think critically about the technologies that surround us. Through humanistic training, students can learn to see media through fresh eyes, considering other possibilities for their own interactions with technology, as well as for the processes through which texts are composed and circulated and for technology’s role in shaping, and being shaped by, human cultures. [AH, C]
  • ENGL 30010 - Post/Colonial Lit. & Film

    Course Credit: 1
    POST/COLONIAL LITERATURE AND FILM This research seminar investigates questions of identity in colonial and postcolonial novels, poems, and film. We will read paired colonial/postcolonial texts while considering the theoretical debates surrounding them, with particular focus on gender, race, national identity and narrative form. We will choose from authors like William Wordsworth, Charlotte Brontë, Charles Dickens, Jean Rhys, J.M. Coetzee, Derek Walcott, Jamaica Kincaid, Arundhati Roy, and Zadie Smith, and directors such as Patricia Rozema, Euzhan Palcy, Tim Greene, and Gurinder Chadha, and apply gender, postcolonial, and critical race theorists such as Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, Gloria Anzalda, Homi Bhabha, Gayatri Spivak, and Raka Shome. Prerequisite(s): ENGL-20000, and 2 literature courses; or permission of instructor. [AH]
  • ENGL 30014 - Sem Lit/Cul St: Narrating Our Pasts

    Course Credit: 1
    Seminar in Literary and Culture Studies: Narrating Our Pasts The research seminar investigates narrative as a way of knowing by exploring twentieth- and twenty-first century fictional representations of the past in relation to the conventions of storytelling and assumptions about fiction and nonfiction. Focusing on novels that represent contested historical events, we examine how narrative both makes sense of our perceptions of the world and shapes those perceptions, including how experience and identities may become indistinguishable from story. Possible texts include William Faulkner, Absalom, Absalom!, Toni Morrison, Beloved, Viet Thanh Nguyen, The Sympathizer, Tim O’Brien, In the Lake of the Woods, Philip Roth, The Plot Against America, and D. M. Thomas, The White Hotel, as well as readings in narrative theory. The course fulfills the requirement in the English major for Junior Independent Study. Prerequisites: English 200 and at least two literature courses. Prerequisite(s): ENGL-20000, and at least 2 Literature courses [AH]
  • ENGL 30015 - Sem/Lit/Cul St: Early American Novel

    Course Credit: 1
    Seminar in Literary and Culture Studies: The Early American Novel Research seminar on the history of the novel in the United States from the nation’s founding to the Civil War. The course will examine the American novel within the contexts of the emergence of the genre in English across the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and the social, economic, and geopolitical history of the United States. Authors may include Hannah Webster Foster, Charles Brockden Brown, Catharine Maria Sedgwick, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Harriet Beecher Stowe, William Wells Brown, and Harriet Wilson. Secondary readings will include foundational scholarly texts in the history and theory of the novel, as well as recent work in the fields of literary and cultural studies. The course fulfills the requirement in the English major for Junior Independent Study. Prerequisite(s): ENGL-20000, and 2 Literature courses [AH]
  • ENGL 30016 - Sem Lit & Cult Studies: Bad Romance

    Course Credit: 1
    Bad Romance [Before 1800] Medieval romance has a terrible reputation. Critics have maligned the authors of chivalric romances as hack writers who narrated preposterous stories in galloping meter. Geoffrey Chaucer parodied these romances in his own Tale of Sir Thopas-a tale so awful that the Host insisted he stop because his drasty ryming was nat worth a toord! But romance was one of the most popular forms of literature in the later Middle Ages. One critic even named it the pulp fiction of its day. Why did people read romances? Are they really aesthetically challenged? What do they say about the world in which they were written? Can they tell us anything about our world? In our quest to answer these and other more theoretical questions, we will read purportedly bad romances like Sir Isumbras and Erle of Toulouse, weird romances like Sir Gowther (a knight who is half devil), horrifying romances like Richard Coer de Lyon (cannibalism) and so-called good romances as well, such as Sir Orfeo and Gawain and the Green Knight. Prerequisite(s): ENGL-20000, and two literature courses; or permission of instructor. [AH]
  • ENGL 40000 - Tutorial

    Course Credit: 1
    TUTORIAL May be repeated.
  • ENGL 41000 - English Internships

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Maximum Credit: 1
    INTERNSHIP A structured, usually off-campus experience, in which a student extends classroom knowledge to a work position within a community, business, or governmental organization. Student interns work and learn under the joint guidance of a host organization supervisor and a College of Wooster mentor. The student must arrange the internship in advance through the appropriate department or program. No more than six internships, and a maximum of four Wooster course credits, will count toward graduation. The form for registering for an internship and the Internship Learning Plan are available in the office of the Registrar. May be repeated.
  • ENGL 45100 - Independent Study Thesis

    Course Credit: 1
    SENIOR INDEPENDENT STUDY–SEMESTER ONE This is the first semester of the Senior Independent Study project, in which each student engages in creative and independent research guided by a faculty mentor and which culminates in a thesis and an oral examination in the second semester. Prerequisite(s): ENGL-40100 or ENGL-300xx Annually. Fall and Spring.
  • ENGL 45200 - Independent Study Thesis

    Course Credit: 1
    SENIOR INDEPENDENT STUDY–SEMESTER TWO This is the second semester of the Senior Independent Study project, which culminates in the thesis and an oral examination. Prerequisite(s): ENGL-45100 Annually. Fall and Spring.

Environmental Studies

  • ENVS 10000 - Key Concepts in Environmental Studies

    Course Credit: 1
    KEY CONCEPTS IN ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES This course introduces students to some of the core theories and concepts in the interdisciplinary field of environmental studies. The goal of the course is to help develop the critical thinking skills and theoretical background to analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, and competing claims about the environment and society. It seeks to explore these basic questions through a variety of lenses: Why do major environmental problems arise? Why do they persist? How do we frame and understand the existence of environmental problems? What are possible solutions, and how do we evaluate their feasibility? Annually.
  • ENVS 11000 - Science, Society & Environment

    Course Credit: 1
    SCIENCE, SOCIETY AND ENVIRONMENT This course introduces students to the fundamental processes of the flow and cycling of key components of the biosphere - with a focus on carbon and water - and how such processes underlie the most important environmental problems of our time. We discuss the natural stocks and cycles and how they are disrupted by human activity, either by overdrawing existing resources (depletion) or overburdening natural waste processing mechanisms (pollution). Simultaneously students will practice the skills necessary to translate these concepts for a general audience, through a variety of writing, audio recording, and oral presentation projects. Emphasis will also be given to reading other outstanding pieces of environmental writing. Annually. [W]
  • ENVS 12000 - Ecology and the Environment

    Course Credit: 1
    Ecology and the Environment To properly understand the complexity of humankind’s interaction with the environment requires an understanding of the natural world as seen through the eyes of science. This course is a content-based introduction to this particular space, where ecology, earth science and environmental studies intersect. The goal is to understand basic processes of ecosystem dynamics, material cycling, and energy flows, through the lens of humanity’s relationship with the environment. Thus a key branch of environmental science is placed in the context of potential natural disturbances and human impacts on the natural world. Content analysis and reflection are accomplished through readings, discussion of case studies, and class activities. [MNS]
  • ENVS 16000 - The Science of Environmental Issues

    Course Credit: 1
    The Science of Environmental Issues This course provides an overview of key environmental issues facing our society today. Topics include climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, as well as concerns about our food, water, soil, material and energy resources. Emphasis will be on an in-depth study of the environmental science (physical, chemical and biological) informing us about the causes, connections, scope, scale, and impacts of these issues as well as the feasibility of potential solutions. Science in the context of social, political and economic perspectives on these issues will also be addressed through readings, writing assignments, and class discussions. [MNS]
  • ENVS 19900 - Topics in Environmental Studie

    Course Credit: 1
  • ENVS 19902 - The Science of Environmental Issues

    Course Credit: 1
    THE SCIENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES This course provides an overview of key environmental issues facing our society today. Topics include climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, as well as concerns about our food, water, soil, material and energy resources. Emphasis will be on an in-depth study of the environmental science (physical, chemical and biological) informing us about the causes, connections, scope, scale, and impacts of these issues as well as the feasibility of potential solutions. Science in the context of social, political and economic perspectives on these issues will also be addressed through readings, writing assignments, and class discussions. [MNS]
  • ENVS 20000 - Environmental Analysis & Action

    Course Credit: 1
    ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS AND ACTION Presents a multidisciplinary perspective on environmental topics by examining in depth an issue of global and/or local significance from the perspectives of the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. Students will apply fundamental concepts from various disciplines to understand, formulate and evaluate solutions to environmental issues. Topics rotate each year. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): At least one science course from the approved ENVS list, and one course from the ENVS list in either social sciences or humanities. Annually. Spring.
  • ENVS 20003 - Environmental Contamination & Waste

    Course Credit: 1
    ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION AND WASTE A wide-ranging analysis of contamination of the environment by plastic, other forms of trash, and persistent synthetic chemicals. Emphasis will be placed on an interdisciplinary understanding of waste, including philosophical and social science interpretations of waste and its impact. Prerequisite(s): At least one science course from the approved ENVS list, and one course from the ENVS list in either social sciences or humanities.
  • ENVS 20004 - Sustainability

    Course Credit: 1
    SUSTAINABILITY: Presents a multidisciplinary perspective on environmental topics by examining in depth an issue of global and local significance from the perspectives of the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities. Students will apply fundamental concepts from various disciplines to understand, formulate and evaluate solutions to environmental issues. The spring 2016 section will focus on sustainability; we will consider various ways of defining sustainability, and discuss ways of moving toward sustainability, both in the world at large and on campus. Prerequisite(s): At least 1 course from the cross-listed courses accepted for ENVS credit AND 1 course from the cross-listed courses accepted for ENVS credit in either Social Sciences or Humanities.
  • ENVS 22000 - Farm to Table: Understanding Food System

    Course Credit: 1
    FROM FARM TO TABLE: UNDERSTANDING THE FOOD SYSTEM The production and consumption of food interface with disciplines from biology and chemistry to political economy, sociology, and business management. The aim of this course is to introduce students to this broad, multidisciplinary analysis of the food system and get them thinking critically about where our food comes from, where it goes, and how to make the entire system more sustainable. [HSS]
  • ENVS 23000 - Sustainable Agriculture: Theory/Practice

    Course Credit: 1
    SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE: THEORY AND PRACTICE Agroecology is the science of sustainable agriculture. It serves as the scientific basis for devising more natural, less environmentally harmful farming practices that build soil fertility and plant resilience while maintaining adequate production levels. The goal of this course is to introduce students to a broad suite of sustainable agriculture principles and practices and to investigate the scienti?c basis for those practices. Students will learn agroecology techniques by actually practicing them in the campus Learning Garden. Students registering for the course are required to simultaneously register for ENVS 23000L: the associated lab. Annually.
  • ENVS 23500 - Gardening Practicum

    Course Credit: 0.25
    GARDENING PRACTICUM An experiential, quarter-credit practicum that meets once per week for three hours at a time, for half the semester only (when offered in the fall, it will meet for the first 7 weeks; when offered in the spring, it will meet all weeks after spring break).
  • ENVS 31000 - Sustainable Dev: Principles & Practices

    Course Credit: 1
    SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES This course will explore the intersection of development and sustainability. We will begin with a historical understanding of the idea of sustainable development, then shift to a more applied and experiential focus with an emphasis on case studies from around the world. Students will be come away with a deeper understanding of concepts that underlie sustainability, including the tragedy of the commons, the interface between population growth and resource use, societal solutions for increasing energy efficiency, and ecological economics. [HSS]
  • ENVS 39901 - Agricultural Entomology

    Course Credit: 1
    AGRICULTURAL ENTOMOLOGY Insects are a vital component of any farm system or agroecosystem. While common perception has deemed insects to be pests, insects often take on multi-faceted roles in the functioning of agroecosystems. In this class, we will explore the relationships between humans and arthropods in agriculture and understand how we can manage these relationships in the pursuit of sustainable food production. We will understand the general bases of insect biology, morphology and behavior; critically assess the ecology of arthropods in agroecosystems; and learn the theory and practices of environmentally sound pest management.
  • ENVS 40000 - Tutorial

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Maximum Credit: 1
    May be repeated.
  • ENVS 41000 - Internship

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Maximum Credit: 1
    INTERNSHIP In consultation with a faculty member associated with the program, students may arrange academic credit for supervised work in an applied setting that is relevant to topics in environmental studies. Placement may be on- or off-campus. Examples of on-campus internships might include work through the physical plant, exploring energy use on campus; through campus grounds, investigating aspects of campus plantings and land use; or through campus dining services, examining ways to promote local foods, reduce energy use, reduce food waste, or develop a composting program. In addition to the work, an internship will include an appropriate set of academic readings and written assignments, developed in consultation with the supervising faculty member, that will allow the student to reflect critically on his or her experience. ( May be repeated. S/NC.

French and Francophone Studies

  • FREN 10100 - Level I Beginning French

    Course Credit: 1
    LEVEL I BEGINNING FRENCH An introduction to understanding, speaking, reading, and writing French. Acquisition of basic structure, conversational practice, short readings, and compositions. Cultural content. Extensive use of authentic video and audio materials. Annually. Fall.
  • FREN 10200 - Level II Beginning French

    Course Credit: 1
    LEVEL II BEGINNING FRENCH Continuation of FREN 10100 with increased emphasis on conversational, reading, and writing skills. Prerequisite(s): FREN-10100 Annually. Spring.
  • FREN 20100 - French Conversation Comprehension and Communications

    Course Credit: 1
    FRENCH CONVERSATION Intensive practice in conversational French. Course includes cultural explorations in the Francophone world and work with grammar, vocabulary, and appropriate texts. Prerequisite(s): FREN-10200 or placement Annually. Fall. [C]
  • FREN 20300 - French Composition Comprehension and Communication

    Course Credit: 1
    FRENCH COMPOSITION Intensive practice in writing and reading, with a focus on writing strategies, the writing process, and different kinds of writing. Continued study of French vocabulary and grammar. Prerequisite(s): FREN-10200 or equivalent Annually. Spring. [W]
  • FREN 21600 - Advanced French

    Course Credit: 1
    ADVANCED FRENCH Practice in listening, speaking, reading, and writing at an advanced level. Review of linguistic structures focusing on questions of usage and style. Extensive use of multi-media resources; reading on multiple topics. Prerequisite(s): FREN-20300 or equivalent Annually. Fall. [C, W]
  • FREN 21800 - French Phonology

    Course Credit: 1
    FRENCH PHONOLOGY Introduction to phonetics and phonology of the French language. Analysis of spoken French, including phonetic transcription. Extensive use of audio materials. Oral drill to improve pronunciation and diction. Prerequisite(s): FREN-21600 or equivalent Spring. [AH]
  • FREN 22000 - Intro to Francophone Texts

    Course Credit: 1
    (CMLT, GLIS)
    INTRODUCTION TO FRANCOPHONE TEXTS This course explores a sampling of authors and works that have helped to shape the development of French literature from the seventeenth century to the present day. Throughout the semester, we will situate authors and their works in their times, so that students can develop an understanding of important literary, cultural, and historical contexts. Our explorations will be structured in part by literary genres: poetry, theater, short stories, and novels. Students will learn to become more skilled readers of each of these genres, while also developing a broadened palette analytical tools. Through extended classroom discussions and a sustained focus on literary analysis and writing, this course seeks to help students improve their French and prepare for more advanced coursework in French and Francophone Studies. Prerequisite(s): FREN-21600 or permission of instructor Annually. Fall. [AH, C, W]
  • FREN 22400 - Studies in Francophone Culture

    Course Credit: 1
    (GLIS, MENA)
    Introduction to cultural, historical, and societal analysis. Topic changes from year to year. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): FREN 21600  or permission of instructor Annually. [AH, C]
  • FREN 22403 - Contemp France: Econ/Soc/Institutions

    Course Credit: 1
    CONTEMPORARY FRANCE: ECONOMY, SOCIETY, INSTITUTIONS This course uses a number of different lenses to explore French society, French identity, and the French state from World War Two to the present. Topics to be covered include: the modernization of France; work, unemployment and the welfare state; the French school system; and immigration and national identity. Prerequisite(s): FREN-21600 or permission of instructor. [AH, C]
  • FREN 22406 - North Africa and France

    Course Credit: 1
    (GLIS, MENA)
    NORTH AFRICA AND FRANCE This course explores France’s deep and often problematic relationships with the francophone Maghreb (Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia). Through a selection of historical and cultural readings, memoirs, novels and films, the course examines the evolution of these relationships from the nineteenth century and up to the present day. Prerequisite(s): FREN-21600 or permission of instructor. [AH, C]
  • FREN 31000 - French Theatre

    Course Credit: 1
    FRENCH THEATER This course explores the evolution of French theater from the seventeenth century to the present through the study of works by major playwrights, including Corneille, Molière, Racine, Marivaux, Beaumarchais, Rostand, Jarry, Sartre, Beckett and Reza. Attention will be paid to dramatic theory and to the historical and cultural contexts in which plays were produced. Prerequisite(s): FREN-22000 or FREN-22400 [AH, C]
  • FREN 32200 - Studies in the 17th Century

    Course Credit: 1
    STUDIES IN THE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY An examination of works that explore the relationship between language, art, knowledge and power in the Age of Absolutism. Authors studied include Mme. de Lafayette, Madeleine de Scudéry, Racine, La Fontaine and Molière. Prerequisite(s): FREN-22000 or FREN-224xx [AH, C]
  • FREN 33002 - Remembering War

    Course Credit: 1
    REMEMBERING WAR This course explores the memory of the First World War, the Second World War and the Algerian War of Independence in French society. This examination will be conducted through literature, films and historiographical texts. Prerequisite(s): FREN-22000 or FREN-224xx; or permission of the instructor. [AH, C]
  • FREN 33003 - Youth & Educ in France: May 1968-PRESENT

    Course Credit: 1
    YOUTH & EDUCATION IN FRANCE: FROM MAY This course examines contemporary France through the experiences of the nation’s youth. Throughout the semester, we will compare the challenges of being young, going to school, and growing up in France to equivalent experiences in the United States or in other countries. Prerequisite(s): FREN-22000 or FREN-224xx [AH, C]
  • FREN 33500 - W. Afr. & France:Encounters since 1900 Africa

    Course Credit: 1
    (AFST, CMLT)
    WEST AFRICA & FRANCE: ENCOUNTERS SINCE 1900 This course explores complex encounters that have shaped both France and francophone West Africa, a region that includes the present-day countries of Senegal, Mauritania, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Benin, Togo, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger. Tacking back and forth between West African and French contexts, we will examine themes such as colonialism, decolonization, nation-building, migrations, immigrant communities, diaspora, and francophonie. As part of these various course units, we will be working with many different kinds of materials, including historical readings, two novels, a selection of films, photographs, and iconography. This course gives particular emphasis to questions relating to cultures and identities. Students will be challenged to think more critically and historically about the diversity of the French-speaking world and about the making of multicultural France. Prerequisite(s): FREN-22000 or FREN-224xx [AH, C]
  • FREN 39901 - Research in French Phonology

    Course Credit: 1
    FREN 399: Research in French Phonology In this course, students will conduct original and empirical research in the areas of phonology and sociolinguistics in French. This hands-on course will enable students to work both individually and collaboratively in their study of two main phonological phenomena in French (schwa and liaison), across two different styles (conversation and reading), and with members of different social groups (differences in age, gender and country of origin). Although this course does not require students to have prior knowledge of linguistics, a background in linguistics and/or phonology will be useful. Prerequisite: FREN 22000 or FREN 22400, or equivalent, or permission of the professor. Prerequisite(s): FREN-22000 or FREN-224xx [AH]
  • FREN 40000 - Tutorial

    Course Credit: 1
    TUTORIAL May be repeated.
  • FREN 41000 - Internship

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Maximum Credit: 1
    INTERNSHIP A structured, usually off-campus experience, in which a student extends classroom knowledge to a work position within a community, business, or governmental organization. Student interns work and learn under the joint guidance of a host organization supervisor and a College of Wooster mentor. The student must arrange the internship in advance through the appropriate department or program. No more than six internships, and a maximum of four Wooster course credits, will count toward graduation. The form for registering for an internship and the Internship Learning Plan are available in the office of the Registrar. May be repeated. S/NC.
  • FREN 45100 - Independent Study Thesis

    Course Credit: 1
    SENIOR INDEPENDENT STUDY–SEMESTER ONE The first semester of the Senior Independent Study project, in which each student engages in creative and independent research guided by a faculty mentor. Prerequisite(s): FREN-40100 Annually. Fall and Spring.
  • FREN 45200 - Independent Study Thesis

    Course Credit: 1
    SENIOR INDEPENDENT STUDY–SEMESTER TWO The second semester of the Senior Independent Study project, which culminates in the finished thesis or an equivalent project and an oral examination. Prerequisite(s): FREN-45100 Annually. Fall and Spring.

German Studies

  • GRMN 10100 - Beginning German Level I

    Course Credit: 1
    BEGINNING GERMAN LEVEL I An introduction to understanding, speaking, reading, and writing German in a cultural context. Acquisition of basic structure, conversational practice, short readings, and compositions. Use of authentic video and audio materials. Four hours per week. Annually. Fall.
  • GRMN 10200 - Beginning German Level II

    Course Credit: 1
    BEGINNING GERMAN LEVEL II Continuation of GRMN 10100 with increased emphasis on conversation, cultural material, and reading authentic texts, including two children’s books. For students who have had GRMN 10100 or equivalent training, to be determined by placement test. Four hours per week. Annually. Spring.
  • GRMN 20100 - Intermediate German Level I

    Course Credit: 1
    INTERMEDIATE GERMAN LEVEL I A skills-building course to follow GRMN 10200 or equivalent, to be determined by placement test. Emphasis on reading literary texts of moderate difficulty, improving proficiency in writing and speaking, and exposure to culture material. The German major and minor begin with GRMN 20100. Prerequisite(s): GRMN-10200 or equivalent or placement Annually. Fall. [C]
  • GRMN 20200 - Intermd German Level II

    Course Credit: 1
    INTERMEDIATE GERMAN LEVEL II Current issues through literary texts and media. More advanced readings and discussion of contemporary life in the German-speaking countries as reflected in newspapers, magazines, television, and film. Prerequisite(s): GRMN-20100 or equivalent. Annually. Spring. [C]
  • GRMN 22700 - German Literature in Translation

    Course Credit: 1
    GERMAN LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION Taught in English. Selected readings from classical and contemporary German authors. Sample topics: German Literature East and West Since 1945; Contemporary German Literature by Women; Modern German Theater; Fairy Tales and Gender. [AH, C]
  • GRMN 22802 - German Film & Society

    Course Credit: 1
    GERMAN FILM & SOCIETY This course examines major developments in German cinema from the early twentieth to the 21st centuries. The class will focus on important movements, directors, genres, stars, etc. in the history of German film and socio-political matters facing Weimar and Nazi Germany, post-war West and East German states, and major themes and trends in the cinema of unified Germany. Students will study and practice the tools of film analysis. No previous knowledge of German or film criticism/theory is required. [AH, C]
  • GRMN 23000 - Theaterpraktikum

    Course Credit: 1
    (GERS, GLIS)
    THEATERPRAKTIKUM Dramatic readings and play production, in German. Ideal for students wishing to maintain and build speaking proficiency and self-confidence. No acting experience required. May be taken more than once, but only one of these may count toward the minimum eleven courses for the major or minor. Prerequisite(s): GRMN-20100 or permission of instructor [AH, C]
  • GRMN 25000 - Advanced German: Texts & Contexts

    Course Credit: 1
    (GERS, GLIS)
    ADVANCED GERMAN: TEXTS AND CONTEXTS Reading, discussion of, and writing about important emes, events and texts (e.g. short stories, short novels, personal narratives, films) from the 20th century, presented in their socio-historical contexts. Special emphasis on developing students’ reading and formal conversation skills and on cultural literacy. Continued practice of complex grammar structures and systematic vocabulary building. Prerequisite(s): GRMN-20200 Annually. Fall. [C]
  • GRMN 26000 - Kulturkunde: Intro to German Studies

    Course Credit: 1
    KULTURKUNDE: INTRODUCTION TO GERMAN STUDIES A survey of the cultural history of the German-speaking world, with particular attention to the social matrix in which German cultural institutions function. An introduction to the methods and resources of German Studies as an interdisciplinary area of study. Must be taken at the College of Wooster. Prerequisite(s): GRMN-25000 Annually. Spring. [AH, C, W]
  • GRMN 30005 - After the Holocaust (post-1945)

    Course Credit: 1
    AFTER THE HOLOCAUST (POST-1945) Over the course of the fall semester, we will examine major themes that shaped German culture from the end of the Second World War and the Holocaust to the unification of East and West and beyond. The following questions will help guide our focus: How did the two German states rebuild their modern identities? What ways did artists find to deal with, or to put aside, the recent Nazi past and the atrocities committed in the state’s name? What dominant issues emerged in the public debate in each decade after the war? How do social categories like race, class, gender, and sexuality play into visions of German identity in East and West? Taught in German Prerequisite(s): GRMN-26000 [AH, C]
  • GRMN 34000 - Major Themes in German Literature

    Course Credit: 1
    MAJOR THEMES IN GERMAN LITERATURE AND CULTURE A study of dominant recurring themes that cross period and genre lines and are important to the German cultural tradition. Topics will vary from year to year - e.g., Travel and Migration; The Artist and Society; The German Middle Ages; Fiction, History, and Memory; Nature, Space, and Place. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): GRMN-26000 or permission of instructor. [AH, C]
  • GRMN 34005 - Travel & Migration (in German)

    Course Credit: 1
    MAJOR THEMES IN GERMAN LITERATURE AND CULTURE: TRAVEL AND MIGRATION A study of cultural texts and contemporary readings on the subjects of immigration, mobility, immigrational refugees, travel, and national identity with a focus on German-speaking countries. Prerequisite(s): GRMN-26000 or permission of instructor. [AH, C]
  • GRMN 34008 - Die Reise:German Counterculture 1968-78

    Course Credit: 1
    Die Reise: German Counterculture 1968-78 Die Reise: German Counterculture 1968-78 examines the culture and politics of West Germany through the lens of counter-cultural musical and literary production. Taking the Weimar Republic as its point of departure, it investigates: historical relations between intoxication and violence; the echoes of early 20th-century philosophical musical debates in the music of the late 60s and 70s; relations between American and German music, politics, and culture; the German response to the Vietnam War; and revolutionary politics. Over the semester, students will engage with literary texts, manifestos, music and film, tracing the period’s moves from analog to digital, from psychedelics to amphetamines, from peace and love to terrorism. Prerequisite(s): GRMN-26000; or permission of instructor [AH, C]
  • GRMN 40000 - Tutorial

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Maximum Credit: 1
    TUTORIAL Individually supervised readings on a special topic. By prior arrangement with the department only. May be repeated. Prerequisite(s): GRMN-25000 or equivalent; The approval of both the supervising faculty member and the Chairperson is required prior to registration.
  • GRMN 40100 - Independent Study

    Course Credit: 1
    JUNIOR INDEPENDENT STUDY Bibliography and research methods in German, including the preparation of two shorter papers or one longer research paper. Normally taken Semester II of the junior year. If a Junior Year Abroad is planned, GRMN 40100 should be taken Semester II of the sophomore year. If a one-semester program abroad is planned, it should be Semester I so that GRMN 40100 can be taken Semester II. Annually. Fall and Spring.
  • GRMN 41000 - Internship

    Course Credit: 0.25
    Maximum Credit: 1
    May be repeated.
  • GRMN 45100 - Independent Study Thesis

    Course Credit: 1
    SENIOR INDEPENDENT STUDY–SEMESTER ONE The first semester of the Senior Independent Study project, a two-semester course in thesis preparation taken in the senior year, supervised by a departmental adviser and approved by oral examination by the department in the second semester. Prerequisite(s): GRMN-40100 Annually. Fall and Spring.
  • GRMN 45200 - Independent Study Thesis

    Course Credit: 1
    SENIOR INDEPENDENT STUDY–SEMESTER TWO The second semester of the Senior Independent Study project, which culminates in the thesis and an oral examination. Prerequisite(s): GRMN-45200 Annually. Fall and Spring.

Hebrew Language

  • HEBR 10100 - Hebrew I

    Course Credit: 1
    HEBREW I An introduction to understanding, reading, writing, and speaking modern Hebrew. Students learn the alphabet, acquire basic grammar essential for all forms of Hebrew, practice conversation, and read and write short passages. Video and audio materials all feature native speakers. While the emphasis is on acquiring the lived language of contemporary Israel, students are also introduced to the Hebrew language and Jewish civilization as it has evolved over three millennia through level appropriate words and phrases from Biblical and rabbinic texts. Students should understand that while this class emphasizes the lived language of contemporary Israel, at this most basic level the reading, writing, and grammar skills are equally essential for learning Biblical Hebrew. Four hours per week. Fall.
  • HEBR 10200 - Hebrew II

    Course Credit: 1
    HEBREW II Continuation of HEBR 10100. Four hours per week. Prerequisite: successful completion of HEBR 10100 or equivalent placement test. Prerequisite(s): HEBR-10100 Spring.


  • HIST 10100 - Introducing Religion

    Course Credit: 1
    RELS 10100. INTRODUCING RELIGION An introduction to religion as a form of human behavior and to the study of religions, by means of studying current understandings of religion-related behaviors in human development, in human prehistories, and as identifiable cultural forms in emergent historical human cultures in the South Asian, East Asian, and Mediterranean worlds. [AH, R]
  • HIST 10161 - Russia’s World War II: Film and History

    Course Credit: 1
    RUSSIA’S WORLD WAR II: FILM & HISTORY The course explores the Soviet experience during World War II or what Russians refer to as The Great Patriotic War. Major themes include Stalin’s role in the war and the problem of leadership, the lives of common soldiers and the home-front, as well as the military dimension of the war. Film and fiction will be employed as primary sources to explore the memory of the war and its meaning for later generations of Russians. [HSS]
  • HIST 10165 - West Africa & Black America Connection

    Course Credit: 1
    WEST AFRICA AND BLACK AMERICA. This course is about West Africans and their connection to the Americas from the sixteenth through the nineteenth century. We will focus on the changing nature of African political and social formations, the rise and development of the Atlantic slave trade, the impact of that trade on the Atlantic societies,especially the formation of Black American cultures and their relations and interactions with Africa. [C, HSS]
  • HIST 10166 - The Holocaust

    Course Credit: 1
    The Holocaust This course examines the Nazi program of genocide and mass killing in the context of Nazi ideology and in the larger context of modern European history and the evolution of modern antisemitism. It also introduces students to some of the significant historiographical issues in the study of the Holocaust, including questions such as the meaning and significance of the term Holocaust and the disturbing phenomenon of Holocaust denial. A section of HIST 201xx is required for majors, but is open to students from all departments and programs. This course does not fulfill the writing intensive requirement. [HSS]

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